Welcome to the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Draft Kiltiernan - Glenamuck Local Area Plan webpage.
The Draft Kiltiernan – Glenamuck Local Area Plan (KGLAP) sets out the policies and objectives to guide future development in Kiltiernan - Glenamuck.
The Draft Plan document and its associated environmental reports can be viewed and/or downloaded from the document list below.
In addition to the Draft LAP, a number of non-statutory items have been prepared to provide an overview of the Draft Plan, including:
The vision for Kiltiernan – Glenamuck is of a connected and sustainable neighbourhood which enhances the existing green infrastructure, rural character, heritage and biodiversity, and includes a vibrant and inclusive village centre.
The Draft Kiltiernan – Glenamuck Local Area Plan (LAP) will be on display both in hard copy and online for a period of not less than 6 weeks from 6th February to 21st March 2025.
The Draft LAP is available to view in our online Virtual Room and at the following physical locations:
- Planning Counter, County Hall, Dún Laoghaire (10.00am – 4.00pm)
- Council Offices, Dundrum Office Park, Dundrum (9.30am -12.30pm & 1.30pm – 4.30pm)
- All branches of Dun Laoghaire - Rathdown Libraries during library opening hours.
An online webinar was held on Tuesday 18th February 2025. Slides from the webinar can be viewed here and a recording of the event can be viewed below.
Two ‘Drop-in Sessions’ will be held in Kiltiernan Parish Centre on
- Tuesday 25th February 2025 - 4pm - 8pm
- Thursday 6th March 2025 - 4pm - 8pm
Staff who have worked on the Draft Local Area Plan will be available to meet those interested in the Draft LAP on those days.
Submissions and observations are invited from the public and interested parties and can be made in either of the following two ways:
- Online through our consultation hub here,
- In writing addressed to Senior Executive Officer, Planning and Economic Development Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
The closing date for submissions or observations is 23.59 on the 21st March, 2025.
- Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are entitled to make submissions or observations.
- All submissions and observations should include your name and a contact address and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent.
- Please make your submission by one medium only, i.e. hard copy or dlr consultation.
- Submissions will be published online, however names, addresses and contact details will be redacted.
Following the public display period, a report summarising the issues raised, and the Chief Executive’s recommendation will then be prepared for the Elected Members for their consideration.
This has to be prepared not later than twelve weeks after publication of the notice regarding the Draft Plan in a national newspaper.
The Elected Members then have six weeks to consider the report and to adopt, amend, or reject the Draft LAP.
If Material Alterations to the Draft LAP are proposed they must go on public display for a further period of not less than four weeks. This would take place in the Summer.
The Elected Members would then have a further period of time to consider a Chief Executive’s Report on the proposed material alterations. The Plan would then be adopted with or without the material alterations.
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a statutory document prepared by the Local Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
A LAP consists of a suite of policies and objectives to guide the development of an area for a period of 6 years. A LAP sets out a land use strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development an area and consists of a written statement and maps indicating:
- objectives for the zoning of land for the use solely or primarily of particular areas for particular purposes, or
- other objectives in such detail as may be determined by the Planning Authority for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area to which it applies, including the objective of development of land on a phased basis and, detail on community facilities and amenities and on standards for the design of developments and structures.
A hard copy of the Draft LAP can be viewed at the following locations:
- Dundrum Council Offices,
- Planning Department, County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, and
- In all dlr library branches.
The Draft Kiltiernan - Glenamuck Local Area Plan is on public display for a period of 6 weeks from 6th February 2025 - 21st March 2025.
All Draft plan documents area available to view online under the document list on this webpage, in our Virtual Room or in County Hall, the Council Offices in Dundrum or in any of our dlr Library branches.
An online webinar was held on Tuesday 18th February 2025. A recording of this event can be viewed here.
The Local Area Plan team will also be available to answer your questions at two drop in sessions in the Kilternan Parish Centre on:
- Tuesday, 25 February 2025 from 4pm until 8pm, and
- Thursday, 6 March 2025 from 4pm until 8pm.
A Local Area Plan does not contain development proposals, rather, it sets out policies and objectives to help guide any future development within an area.
A number of ‘site development frameworks’ are set out in Chapter 2 of the Draft Local Area plan that provide site specific parameters for future development.
Proposed development is subject to assessment by way of a planning application.
The Draft Kiltiernan – Glenamuck Local Area Plan (LAP) will be on display both in hard copy and online for a period of not less than 6 weeks from 6th February to 21st March 2025.
Submissions or observations can be made in either of the following two ways:
online through our consultation hub here,
in writing addressed to Senior Executive Officer, Planning and Economic Development Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
The closing date for submissions or observations is 23.59 on the 21st March, 2025.
The Planning Authority uses the Tailte Éireann (OSI) / historical spelling of Kiltiernan in Local Area Plans (KGLAP). This was used in the previous Local Area from in 2007 and 2013.
Page 19 of the Chief Executive's report on the KGLAP Pre-Draft Consultation notes that the the spelling of Kiltiernan has varied over the years from as early as the 17th Century.
The Chief Executive's report includes a historical map of the area illustrating the 'Kiltiernan Domain' and 'Kiltiernan' place names on Tailte Éireann maps from the first edition of the 6inch map (1829-1841).
Contemporary mapping from Tailte Éireann retains this spelling if Kiltiernan.
In the event that your query isn't addressed on this webpage, you can email us at: dlrforwardplanning@dlrcoco.ie.
The list of FAQs do not purport to be a legal interpretation of the Planning and Development Act 2000, (as amedned) and are simply for information purposes.
An online webinar was held on 18 February 2025.