DLR Central

Frequently Accessed

Project Updates

20th January 2025:

***Works commencing!***

Works are commencing on the DLR Central Scheme on 5th February 2025. They are proposed to continue for approximately 2 years.

The first phase of work will be at the Bakers Corner junction and continue for approximately 3 months. A new temporary traffic signal arrangement will be set up to facilitate the construction. This will remove the left turn slip lane from Rochestown Avenue  onto Kill Lane, but left turns will continue to be permitted. 

While works are ongoing there will be a temporary loss of capacity at the Bakers Corner junction that will cause significant disruption.

Although traffic management plans will strive to minimise the extent of this disruption, it is advised that members of the public shoild, where possible, take alternative routes to avoid the area. 

Works updates will be posted to the website as they are available. A copy of the general arrangement drawings for the scheme is available here

A traffic management plan will be in place that will include VMS signs further back in the network to notify of disruption.

The contractor is currently seeking a permanent compound location. There will be a satellite compound located in the green space in Rose Park when the works commence. Further details on this compound will be circulated to Rose Park residents via a letter drop. 


DLR will have resident engineering staff onsite for the duration of these works. Contact details are as follows:

William Winters, Senior Resident Engineer
Niall Geraghty, Resident Engineer

The Contractor for this scheme is Clonmel Enterprises Ltd.


Gareth Davies Project manager
James Woods Site Engineer
Dedicated contact details of the contractor: 086 032 4904


dlr central project before and after


In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended), Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council hereby gives notice of a proposal to construct as follows:

High-quality pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to promote active travel on Kill Avenue (R830), Mounttown Road Lower (R829), Mounttown Road Upper (R829) & Glenageary Road Upper (R829), Dún Laoghaire. It is proposed to install continuous, high-quality, and segregated cycling and walking facilities; improve public realm areas including incidental play features; improve bus priority along Kill Avenue up to the Bakers Corner Junction & improve landscaping along the extent of the scheme including sustainable urban drainage systems.

 In accordance with S.I. 476, 2011, Section 250, Planning and Development (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations, 2011 and S.I. 296, 2018 European Union (Planning and Development) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2018, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has carried out screenings and has determined the following:  

  • An Appropriate Assessment is not required 
  • There is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment so therefore the preliminary assessment has concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment Report is not required.  


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