Notice of Confirmation Compulsory Purchase Order - Glenamuck District Roads Scheme
An Bord Pleanála has made a Confirmation Order confirming Compulsory Purchase (Glenamuck District Roads Scheme) Order, 2019. Click on related links to view the Confirmation Order and Deposit Maps.
The above mentioned road scheme comprises of the following:-
(A). The Glenamuck District Distributor Road consists of approx. 660 metres of two-lane single carriageway from the Enniskerry Road North tie in (see (C) below) to the Glenamuck District Road junction (see (D) below) and approx. 890 metres of four-lane dual carriageway from this junction to the Golf Lane Roundabout.
(B).The Glenamuck Link Distributor Road consists of approximately 1.8 kilometres of predominantly two-lane single carriageway road, from its junction with the Glenamuck District Distributor Road to a junction with the Enniskerry Road approximately 100 metres south of Barnaslingan Lane.
(C). Junction of Glenamuck District Distributor Road and R117 (Enniskerry Road North) - Enniskerry Road to be diverted onto the Glenamuck District Distributor Road adjacent to De La Salle Palmerston Rugby Club, with a new three-arm junction to provide access from the Glenamuck District Distributor Road onto the Enniskerry Road.
(D). Junction of Glenamuck District Distributor Road and Glenamuck Link Distributor Road – New three-arm Junction with turning lanes. All turning movements will be accommodated.
(E). Junction of Glenamuck District Distributor Road and Glenamuck Road at Golf Lane Roundabout. Additional arm to be added to existing roundabout.
(F). Junction of Glenamuck Link Distributor Road and Glenamuck Road, a new four-arm junction with turning lanes. Vehicle movements between Glenamuck Link Distributor Road and Glenamuck Road to the east of the Glenamuck Link Distributor Road to be bus-gated. A small roundabout has been provided to accommodate turning movements for vehicles reaching the end of the bus-gated section of the Glenamuck Road.
(G). Junction of Glenamuck Link Distributor Road and R116 (Ballycorus Road) – New four-arm Junction with turning lanes, all turning movements will be accommodated.
(H).Junction of Glenamuck Link Distributor Road & Barnaslingan Lane – Barnaslingan Lane to terminate at Glenamuck Link District Road at the new three-arm junction, all turning movements will be accommodated.
(I). A short section of Barnaslingan Lane to become a ‘cul-de-sac’ between Glenamuck Link Distributor Road and the Enniskerry Road.
(J). Junction of Glenamuck Link District Road & R117 (Enniskerry Road South) – Enniskerry Road to be diverted onto the Glenamuck Link District Road at this location with bus-gated connection and pedestrian/cycle connections to the existing road route to Kiltiernan Village.
(K). The proposed Roads Scheme will also include:
- Surface water drainage, including six significant attenuation ponds;
- Public lighting;
- Traffic signals;
- Road marking and signage;
- Diversion of existing utilities and provision of new utilities;
- Accommodation works to existing properties;
- Walls, retaining walls, fencing and other boundary treatments;
- Associated landscaping works;
- Miscellaneous ancillary works.
For more information please see Notice of Confirmation, Deposit Map DP001, Deposit Map DP002, Deposit Map DP003 and Deposit Map DP004
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