Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council is preparing a new Local Area Plan for the Old Connaught area.
A Local Area Plan is a statutory planning document prepared by the Local Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A Local Area Plan consists of a suite of policies and objectives for an area, intended to guide the area’s development for a period of 6 years, which may be extended to a maximum of 10 years if appropriate.
The plan-making process can involve up to three stages of public consultation:
- Pre-Draft Stage (we are at this stage),
- Draft Plan Stage; and, potentially,
- Proposed Material Amendment’s Stage.
The process and timeline for preparing a Local Area Plan is governed by the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The stages and timeframes for the statutory plan-making process are illustrated in the graphic below:

The pre-draft consultation stage ran from 8th May 2023 to 6th June 2023, during which there were two public information drop in days.
To help inform pre-draft consultation, the Planning Department prepared:
- A StoryMap which provided context for the area and the plan-making process, and
- An Issues Paper which pulls together baseline information by way of a study of various themes relevant to the area.
The Planning Authority would like to thank everyone who took the time to prepare and submit a submission / observation and who attended the drop in days.
We received a total of 38 no. submissions.
An overview of the issues raised in pre-draft submissions/observations is set out in a Chief Executive's Report on the Pre-Draft Public Consultation which is available to view here in pdf format.
The Planning Authority will now prepare a Draft Local Area Plan for Old Connaught.
The Draft Local Area Plan will be informed by a myriad of plans and policies at national, regional and local level. The diagram below sets out the statutory planning hierarchy whereby a LAP sites below the County Development Plan:
In addition to overarching policy, the Draft Plan will be informed by issues raised through the Pre-Draft Consultation and a series of background studies / assessments including, but not limited to:
- Infrastructure Capacity Assessment Study (ICAS)
- Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA)
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- Appropriate Assessment (AA)
Once prepared, the Draft Local Area Plan will be placed on public display for a further period of public consultation (as illustrated in the LAP Stages Diagram above).
Issues raised in submissions at the Draft stage, together with the Chief Executive’s recommendation will then be presented to the Elected Members for their consideration. This Report will also be published online. The Elected Members will then consider the Report and adopt, amend, or reject the Draft Local Area Plan.
If Material Alterations to the Draft Local Area Plan are proposed they must go on public display for a further period of not less than four weeks. The Elected Members would then have a further period of time to consider a Chief Executive’s Report on the proposed material alterations.
The Plan would then be adopted with or without the material alterations.
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a statutory document prepared by the Local Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A LAP consists of a suite of policies and objectives to guide the development of an area for a period of 6 years.
A LAP sets out a land use strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development an area and consists of a written statement and maps indicating:
- objectives for the zoning of land for the use solely or primarily of particular areas for particular purposes, or
- other objectives in such detail as may be determined by the Planning Authority for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area to which it applies, including the objective of development of land on a phased basis and, detail on community facilities and amenities and on standards for the design of developments and structures.
The Planning Authority is now in the process of preparing a Draft Local Area Plan for Old Connaught.
Once this has been completed, the Draft LAP will be placed on display as part of a statutory public consultation process.
The pre-draft consultation has now ended. Thank you to all who made a submission / observation.
There will be another opportunity to have your say during the public consultation on the Draft Local Area Plan.
In the event that your query isn't addressed on this webpage, you can email us at: planningsecretariat@dlrcoco.ie.
The list of FAQs do not purport to be a legal interpretation of the Planning and Development Act 2000, (as amended) and are simply for information purposes.