DLR Events

Wild Bees and Honeybees with Edel Heeran

Wild bees and Honeybees
Event Description

Part of our Heritage Week events, Edel will give an interactive presentation about our wild bees and honeybees and how the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan was developed to help them. Edel will bring along an educational hive (no live bees!), bees in bug pots, pollen, a smoker and beesuit that attendees are welcome to try on! This fascinating workshop will explore the role bees play in our natural heritage.
Suitable for ages 8-13 yrs

Children’s Library, Level 4, dlr LexIcon
To book email dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or Tel (01) 280 1147

Contact Details
01 280 1147
11.00am - 12.00pm, 12.15 - 1.15pm

dlr Lexicon

Part of Major Event
Major Events


Wild bees and Honeybees
Wild Bees and Honeybees with Edel Heeran
Heritage, Family & Children, Library Event

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