Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022-2026

A key action under the Government’s "Housing for All - a New Housing Plan for Ireland" is that local authorities develop and submit Housing Delivery Action Plans to include details of social and affordable housing delivery.

This Plan sets out details of both social and affordable housing delivery as appropriate over the period 2022-2026, in line with targets set under Housing for All, and has been developed having regard to the National Planning Framework (NPF), the dlr County Development Plan (CDP) 2022 – 2028, the dlr Traveller Accommodation Programme (TAP) 2019 – 2024, the dlr Strategic Plan for Housing Disabled People 2021–2026; and the Annual Social Housing Needs Assessment (SHNA).

The future social and affordable housing delivery programmes within this Plan include dlr and Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) and the Land Development Agency (LDA) build, turnkey developments, Part V and Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF) housing delivery.

Housing For All 2022 to 2026

A significant number of new homes are being delivered under Housing for all 2022 to 2026.  This delivery is being achieved through the use of a variety of delivery streams including our build programme, long term leasing, acquisition, Part V of Planning and Development Act, and by working in partnership with Approved Housing Bodies and the Land Development Agency.  Funding support is provided by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.


The Housing Delivery Action Plan 2022-2026 can be found here.


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