The purpose of Community Grants is to provide financial support to community groups who are engaged in community initiatives, projects, events and activities in the administrative area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The grants support the delivery of the Council’s commitment to improve the quality of life for all its citizens.
The Age Friendly Support Grant is available to groups and organisations who wish to deliver specific supports and initiatives to enhance the quality of life of older people living and visiting the area of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
Local community and voluntary groups may apply for a community grant to assist with the delivery of a community initiative, project, event or activity. The group must be properly constituted and the application must demonstrate a benefit to the local community. The group must also be registered with the Public Participation Network.
Priority will be given to initiatives which support the achievement of the Age Friendly Strategy with goals relating to enhancing the quality of life for older people as well as initiatives improving accessibility to the built environment or initiatives to reduce isolation or loneliness.
No, a grant will only cover a percentage of a project and the group must demonstrate the financial capacity to match the funding.
The purpose of a Community Estate Enhancement Grant is to assist community groups who are trying to improve their local environment through projects or activities of an environmental nature at community level.
Yes, but the application to draw down the grant must be accompanied by the appropriate support documentation.
A Community Small Arts Grant is intended to assist individual artists or bodies organise a small scale community based arts event that promotes the arts in the community and improves appreciation of the arts, access to the arts and standards in the arts in the community. Activities such as community/amateur art exhibitions, community publications of a creative writing nature and amateur musical/dramatic societies are eligible under this category.
Yes, a group can apply for several grants under different categories provided each application relates to a different project/event/activity/initiative.
Projects are responsible for ensuring that they meet all the requirements of child protection and Garda vetting legislation in Ireland, including the Children First Act 2015. Successful applicants must have policies and procedures in place prior to drawing down funds in accordance with national policy, namely, Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children.
No, funding will only be awarded to proposals not already covered under another grant category.
An IAD is an identified area of disadvantage in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County.
No, a separate application must be submitted for each grant category.
Yes, all successful applicants are required to acknowledge the financial assistance of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and include the Council’s logo on all printed matter.
The Public Participation Network (PPN) aims to enable the public as well as local organisations to voice their views and interests within the local government system. It is the main framework for public participation and engagement. Membership is open to not for profit groups in the social inclusion, environmental and general community and voluntary sectors.
A copy of the full guidelines is available on the council’s website or you can contact the Community and Cultural Development Section on 01 2054893. .
Groups working in the areas of Community, Sports, Arts, Residents Associations, groups working with people experiencing disadvantage/inequality and groups with a focus on protecting the environment and sustainability must register with the PPN in order to qualify for funding. Application forms for registering can be found on . Other conditions apply to individual grant categories, e.g. an application under the category of Age Friendly Support must address specific needs of older people and demonstrate how it supports the delivery of the DLR Age Friendly Strategy.
An application can be refused on a number of grounds. The most common reasons are:
- The group did not demonstrate ability to match fund the project
- The group is not constituted and is not a voluntary community group
- The application submitted did not meet the criteria for the grant.
- The application is vague and does not have enough information to allow the grant to be approved.
- Business organisations not eligible for community grants
- The group applied for the same funding under another grant application within the Dun Laoghaire County Council.
This category covers two grant types:-
A Feasibility Grant is intended to give assistance to local community and voluntary groups to complete a feasibility study regarding the development of a community facility.
The Upgrading Community Facilities Grant allows for the refurbishment and/or redecoration of a facility which is used by the community.
- Application forms should be completed fully
- Applicants should ensure they they submit all required documentation
- Applicants must meet the required deadline
- Applicants should ensure that they apply under the correct and most appropriate section
- Applicants should contact a community worker or area community officer to discuss their application or attend an information evening.
An equipment grant is intended for the purchase or replacement of agreed relevant equipment. It includes the purchase of major and minor equipment.
A Major Equipment Grant provides for the purchase of large items of equipment up to a maximum value of €4,000.
A Minor Equipment Grant provides for the purchase of smaller items of equipment up to a maximum value of €1,500. This does not include Petrol / Diesel or Electrical Gardening Equipment.
A Major Equipment Grant can only be applied for once every three years while a Minor Equipment Grant can be applied for every year.
Mobile digital devices to support online service provision, such as laptops and tablets, may be considered for funding through the Community Grants Scheme.
A Community Activity Grant is intended to assist community and voluntary groups to promote local community activities. Examples include a community day, community week or a small event during the year.
Community groups can apply for this grant to assist with the provision of supervised recreational and educational activities for young people during the summer period. Summer projects must cater for the local community and must run for a period one, two or three weeks over the summer holiday.
This category includes grants to assist with:-
Start Up Costs for community and voluntary groups, including insurance costs, purchase of small items of equipment and rental costs for new community groups who have been established within the previous six months.
Training Support for groups involved in community development who require training related to community development, governance, committee skills etc. The training must be for a group of volunteers and not one person only.
Community Development Initiatives for projects which assist with the long term development of a group or area and which specifically address equality initiatives, anti-racism, social inclusion, research and implementation of information and communication technology.
Running Costs related to on-going running costs including insurance and facility hire for existing groups.