Civic, Amenities & Urban Design

Will I have to be part of a swimming club to access the baths?

No, anyone can use the baths for access to the sea. The project is public owned and public-led and open for all to use.

Will you be retaining some of the features of the baths?

The ‘Baths’ entrance mat is being retained. There are a number of items of significance that are being removed and stored such as part of the old slide, pumps and a turnstile for example.


Who designed the development?

The new Dún Laoghaire Baths was designed in-house by dlr’s Architects’ Department.


Who is the contractor for the baths redevelopment?

SIAC-Mantovani – a joint venture for this project. Mantovani, an Italian company, are specialists in marine works

What works will be carried out at the baths development?

The Dún Laoghaire Baths is an iconic site in the county.  The new Baths will mean enhanced and free public facilities for all swimmers and sea sports enthusiasts to the sea at Dún Laoghaire.

The development represents a significant, long term investment in this public facility and will provide improved connectivity with the Metals Walkway and the People’s Park and will link Dún Laoghaire town directly to its seafront.

The development will retain the existing Baths Pavilion for use as artist workspaces and a café with terrace offering panoramic views over Scotsman’s Bay. A new jetty and changing areas will provide access to the water’s edge for swimmers and landing points for kayaks, canoes, stand-up paddle boards, etc. New public toilet facilities at street level will be fully accessible.

The new baths facility will be a long-term local amenity for the area and will provide connectivity with other local amenities in Dún Laoghaire.

Can the current buildings be preserved?

This project has been under consideration for a number of years. When investigative works were carried out at the site, it was discovered that the buildings were in a dilapidated condition. Due to the poor state of repair, it is necessary to demolish the buildings and rebuild. They are not salvageable in their current state. The main building, referred to as the Baths Pavilion, will be retained, while the newer outbuildings to the rear of the original main building will need to be demolished. The development of Dún Laoghaire Baths represents a significant, long term investment in this public facility and in the town of Dún Laoghaire

What date will the new baths open?

It is anticipated that the baths will be completed by Spring 2020.

Why are there more Artists spaces?

There is currently space in the dlr LexIcon for artists to exhibit their works. However, the Baths will provide workshop space for artists rather than exhibition space.


Will the Baths building be fully accessible?

The baths pavilion will be fully accessible to all. New public toilets at street level will also be fully accessible

Will the parking be reduced at Newtownsmith during construction?

Yes, there will be approximately 35 parking spaces unavailable for the duration of the works. We apologise for the inconvenience to all regular visitors who access this car park. These spaces will be fully reinstated once the works have been completed.

The works will take approximately 22 months to complete. In order to service these works, provide space for equipment, etc, the contractor will need to apportion space in Newtownsmith for a compound.

Will you be providing parking elsewhere for the duration of the refurbishment?

Unfortunately not. There will still be parking available at Newtownsmith for the duration of the works. The area at Newtownsmith is also halfway between two dart stations and we would encourage people to take public transport, walk or cycle if they want to avail of the amenities that the area of Newtownsmith has to offer.

Will there be traffic restrictions during the works?

During the main works it is not expected that daily traffic management restrictions will be required and no road closures are currently planned. If a road closure is required during the works this will be advertised using the normal procedures (website and social media) well in advance of any proposed closure.

What will happen to the Casement Statue?

The Casement statue will be sited at the end of the new pier which is being built to permit swimmers to enter deep water clear of the rocks at low tide. The new pier will extend approximately 15m beyond the end of an existing concrete feature and the Casement statue will sit at the end of that pier.

Will kayaks, canoes, etc, be a danger to swimmers?

No, there will be no conflict between swimmers and boaters

What consultation has there been about this project?

A public consultation process for this project was previously undertaken when we made an application for consent under the Foreshore Act to the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government in 2012.

Drawings and reports describing the proposal were made available for inspection at County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, at the Council’s offices in Dundrum and at Dún Laoghaire Garda Station, and the public was invited to make submissions on this scheme.

On foot of this, we underwent a Part 8 consultation process for a period of two months in 2015 where the public were invited to make submissions on the scheme.

Architecture Projects

Will the Baths be free to access for the public?

Yes, anyone can use the baths. The project is public owned and public led. There will be a café and terrace where members of the public can enjoy a coffee or tea looking over the Bay

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