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Welcome to The Importance of Trees

Trees are a vital economic, environmental and social resource and are integral to the character of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. They form a key element of the county’s infrastructure and are amongst the most important features in our towns, villages and rural landscapes. Trees help make the county a more desirable place to live, work, study and spend leisure time.

To highlight the importance of our trees, dlr Parks have strategically placed educational tree tags across Fernhill Park and Gardens, Cabinteely Park, Peoples Park and Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire. The trees will be home to informational tags that invite passersby to engage in appreciation of the trees they encounter, learn about the benefits that the trees provide and come away with knowledge of the critical role that trees play in mitigating the intensifying impacts of climate change. The tags seek to make the unseen benefits of trees tangible to our community.

For further information on the benefits of trees check out our Tree Benefits Info Sheet

We invite you to keep an eye out for these tags as they are rolled out across a number of parks within Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County in the coming days and weeks. Locations can be found on the interactive map as new tags are sited. 


Tree Strategy Public Consultation Report
Tree Strategy Public Consultation Report
dlr Trees Stakeholder Engagement Report prepared by Connect The Dots 2021.pdf
1.74 MB
PDF Document
Tuarascáil Rannpháirtíochta Páirtithe Leasmhara - Stakeholder engagement report Irish version.pdf
269.23 KB
PDF Document
Appendix D Focus Group Worksheet template.pdf
387.59 KB
PDF Document
Appendix B Stakeholder Survey Report -Tree Strategy Public consultation - Google Docs (002).pdf
617.85 KB
PDF Document

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