Dalkey Island Seal

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Have your say on the dlr Corporate Plan 2025-2029
Have your say on the dlr Corporate Plan 2025-2029

Every 5 years Local Authorities in Ireland are obliged to develop a Corporate Plan, which will run for a five year period, assisting the Council in framing it's objectives and priorities.


The Corporate Plan is more than just a road map for setting out the strategic intent of the Council for the five year period - it puts forward a vision and affirms the values and guiding principles by which we should work together to deliver on our ambitions and objectives for the next five years.


We are currently identifying and developing our priorities for 2025-2029 for the new dlr Corporate Plan and we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how your council can work for you.

What are the issues that are important to you that you would like us to prioritise?


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