Repair and Leasing Scheme (RLS)

This scheme aims to bring vacant homes back into use to provide social housing. 

Homes must be vacant for at least twelve months and located within our administrative area.

An interest free loan of up to €60,000 is available to home owners. This helps with the cost of bringing homes up to private rented dwelling standards.

To assess a home's suitability, we look at the demand for social housing in the area and the current housing in the area as part of the goal of sustainable communities.

If you are the owner of a vacant home and are considering leasing the home to us, contact us at

Members of the public can register vacant homes in their area on the Vacant Home website. Click here to visit the Vacant Home website. 


Key Features of the Repair and Lease Scheme

  • leasing terms from 5 to 20 years are available
  • 80 to 85% market rents are available under longer term leases of 10 or more years
  • up to 95% market rents are available for shorter RAS Availability Ageement terms of 5 to 10 years
  • home owners can choose:
    • to act as landlords and maintain the home under RAS Availability Agreements, or
    • to hand responsibility for the tenant and the day-to-day maintenance of the home to us under longer term leases of 10 to 20 years.
  • tenants are assigned from the social housing waiting list
  • the loan repayments are deducted from the leasing payments
  • guaranteed rental payments.

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