Arts and Inclusion Opportunities 2023/4

dlr Arts Office funded two artists with the time, resources, and support to develop their skills to work with people who live, visit or work in our County. Artists Ciara Boud Keegan and Sophia Tamburrini were awarded these opportunities.


Supporting artists to develop their work with communities of place or interest is the focus of this opportunity.

Máire Davey, Assistant Arts Officer - Participation and Learning or (01) 236 2756

The aim of this funding is to support artists to develop their work with communities of place or interest. This opportunity focussed on the artists artistic development. Allowing both artists the time and resources to test out and develop methods of working with a community to create art. 

Ciara Boud Keegan

Ciara Boud Keegan is a socially engaged artist and youth worker. Ciara is interested in community cultures and how we use and occupy space - but more importantly how we can challenge it through artistic explorations and interventions. They do this through collaborative and participatory methods developed alongside communities of interest and place.

Sophia Tamburrini

Sophia Tamburrini is a visual artist working in the fields of Moving Image, Photography and Social Practice. Exploring themes of memory and legacy, her work is driven by a desire to collaboratively investigate these subject matters. She uses social practice to challenge traditional exclusionary archival practices and interrogate how experimental archival forms, that place value on lived experience and collective memory, can contribute to the development of our societies as more inclusive and empathetic spaces of exchange. 

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