Two More Sleeps: Cruinniú na nÓg Commission 2024

Since 2022 to celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, dlr Arts Office in partnership with dlr CYPSC has commissioned artists to create new work with children and young people. In 2024 we awarded artist Helen Barry the commission to work with Shanganagh Park House Childcare Service over a six month period to co-create new artworks for 'Room to Explore, art exhibition for 0-5 year olds.'

Helen worked with children from Shanganagh Park House Childcare Service aged 2 to 4 years and their early years educators to create new artworks entitled 'Two More Sleeps.' The process was inspired by the enthusiasm and support of the early years educators. Together they delved into the abstract world of experimentation, always ensuring that it was child-led.  


'Two More Sleeps' is exhibited as part of 'Room to Explore, art exhibition for 0-5 year olds' in the Gallery, dlr LexIcon.


For more information contact or (01) 236 2759


'Two More Sleeps' was commissioned by dlr Arts Office and dlr CYPSC in partnership with Shanganagh Park House Community Childcare Service. This work is funded through Creative Ireland’s Cruinniú na nÓg 2024 Programme by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.

(01) 236 2759

About the artist

Helen Barry is a visual artist, inventor, early years arts practitioner and classically trained dancer. Helen’s practice is imbued with the responses and stimuli discovered through direct engagement in providing and developing multi-disciplinary arts experiences with and for others.  The collaborative process is what drives her practice and the early year child is her ideal co-creator. The synergy created by using a cross-disciplinary approach provides a sensorium palette from which Helen draws from

Helen has been awarded several bursaries and commissions for her work with early years children from The Arts Council of Ireland and the Four Dublin Local Authorities. The National Concert Hall is supporting her development of ‘Sculptunes’, a series of sound installations created with and for early years children. She is currently curating ‘High Expectations’ an interactive exhibition in response to her yearlong early years residency in Ozanam House Early Learning Centre in partnership with The Hugh Lane Gallery and the NEIC (North East Inner City).

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