Flood Alleviation Programme

Flood Alleviation Programme


Flood alleviation schemes will alleviate flood risk associated with the surface water network of streams, rivers and culverts


Deansgrange Stream Flood Alleviation Project

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, along with project partners, the OPW, have appointed Consulting Engineers to assess, develop and design a viable, cost-effective and sustainable flood relief scheme which aims to minimise risk to the community, social amenity, environment and landscape character.

Public Engagement

We want to thank you for the engagement and feedback provided during both Public Engagement Events, undertaken in September-October 2020 and December-January 2022/3 when the preferred Option was presented. The comments, photos and videos received have proved useful tools in the options development. The consultation also helps the project team to better understand the impact of the proposals on the local communities and how we can potentially maximise the scheme benefits.

In advance of this project the Council completed, the Kilbogget Park Flood Storage Project. This project is working very well having held back significant volumes of flood water during intense rain events over the past 3 years. This project will provide a significant element of flood relief to many properties downstream, particularly in the Bayview/Seafield environs.

More work is required however at various location in the catchment to provide the required level of flood protection to all properties, namely the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability event (formerly known as the 1 in 100 year event) .

Next Steps A Part 8 Consultation process has been completed and a report was brought to the Council Meeting on the 11th of December 2023.

The project received approval from the Council Members, subject to a study being carried out of SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage) opportunities in the catchment.

Separately, the Council are awaiting a determination from An Bord Pleanala as to whether a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required, following a submission direct to them by a member of the public in September 2023. The project will commence the detailed design stage (or indeed complete a full EIA) when the, now overdue, determination has been made.

Project Specific Website: www.deansgrangefrs.ie


Carrickmines Shanganagh Rivers Flood Alleviation Project

The Carrickmines/Shanganagh catchment stretches from Sandyford and Leopardstown in the West to Loughlinstown in the East, where it discharges into the Irish Sea close to the Uisce Eireann Wastewater Treatment Plant. There is a long history of flooding in the catchment. Flooding from the Shanganagh River has occurred on Commons Road on several dates from 1980 to 2011 and also in the Loughlinstown environs. The recently completed Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Study Area concluded that a flood relief scheme would be viable and effective for the community (can be viewed online at www.floodinfo.ie). Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (DLRCC), along with project partners the OPW, have appointed Consulting Engineers to assess, develop and design a viable, cost-effective and sustainable flood relief scheme which aims to minimise risk to the community, social amenity, environment and landscape character.

With information gathered to date the Consultants have analysed the significant flooding events that have occurred, carried out extensive modelling to examine future flood events and have now looked at a range of options to alleviate the predicted flooding. A draft Options Report has been presented to DLR and a public engagement event was held in mid-December 2023 to seek the views of stakeholders on the preferred Option. Next Steps

Feedback from stakeholders are being considered and the Options Report updated where appropriate. Final environmental surveys and assessments are currently being carried out in tandem with meetings with the NPWS and the

Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. When all surveys are completed a (Part 10 Planning) submission will be made to An Bord Pleanala in July 2024.

Project Specific Website: www.csfrs.ie

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