Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF)
The Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF) is a key element of Pillar 3 of Rebuilding Ireland: An Action Plan for Housing & Homelessness. The objective of the fund is to provide public off-site infrastructure to relieve critical infrastructure blockages which have been identified as one of the main impediments to the development of key sites for housing, thus enabling the accelerated delivery of residential units on these sites in both Dublin and urban areas of high demand for housing.

In March 2017, the Government announced the approval in principle of 34 projects across 15 Local Authorities for the Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF), as part of the ‘Rebuilding Ireland’ programme. Among these were 4 projects which Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown had put forward, for which final approval for 3 of these projects was received as per the Minister’s announcement in March 2018. One of these projects are live and the details of which, including the funding approved is summarised below.
Funding is 75% grant funded from the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage with 25% match funding provided by the Local Authority.
1. Cherrywood -
Total funding approved: €15.19M – (€11.39m Dept Grant & €3.8m DLR Cherrywood Specific Development Contributions).
Works: Druids Glen Road, bridges and junction upgrade on the N11.

Phase 1 – Complete.
Phase 2 – Complete.
Phase 3 – Route Alignment, bridge concept designs, landowner engagement ongoing. DLR has appointed a multi-disciplinary team of consultants to bring the final Phase of the Druids Glen Road infrastructure project from concept design through to completion. Concept and Option development is currently underway, which will help identify an emerging preferred alignment and bridge design in advance of stakeholder engagement, public consultation and Preliminary Design.
Next Milestones: Stakeholder Engagement & Public Consultation