Youth Creative Engagement Programme

The Youth Creative Engagement pilot project is aimed at working with targeted young people  in the Ballyogan area using the arts and/or creative media to develop and respond to their needs. 

This programme is funded by the UBU Your Place Your Space Scheme a Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth – funded youth scheme with funding from the National Lottery.

The mission of UBU Your Place Your Space is to provide out-of-school supports to marginalised, disadvantaged or vulnerable young people (aged between 10 and 24) in their communities to enable them to overcome adverse circumstances and achieve their full potential. These supports must be provided in line with the values, goals, objectives and rules of the scheme and in response to the needs of young people as identified by the Education and Training Boards (ETBs). Young people aged 10-24 years who are described in the National Youth Strategy (NYS) as marginalised, disadvantaged or vulnerable are the primary target group for services available through this scheme

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