Joint Policing Committee / Local Policing Fora

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Contact Details

Contact Details :

Ian Smalley

Administrative Officer

Community and Cultural Development

Tel: 01 - 2054893



Background and Introduction

The Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Joint Policing Committee was established in 2009. The DLR JPC is a strategic partnership between An Garda Siochana and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council with the aim of creating a safe and secure county.  DLR Joint Policing Committee meets three times a year and hold one public meeting per annum. Please see related documents (right of page) and document list (below) for current membership and six year strategic plan.

The legislative frame work for the establishments of Joint Policing Committees is set out in Section 35 of An Garda Síochána Act 2005 and the amendments to this act in 2014. Section 36(2) of the Act provides that a JPC’s function is to serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local authority’s administrative area, and in particular to:-

  • Keep under review, a) the levels and patterns of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour (including the patterns and levels of misuse of alcohol and drugs) and b) the underlying factors that contribute to these issues.
  • Advise the local authority and the Garda Síochána on how they might best perform their functions and do everything feasibly possible to improve the safety and quality of life, to prevent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.
  • Arrange and host public meetings concerning matters affecting the policing of the local authorities administrative area.
  • Establish in consultation with the local Garda Superintendent and specific neighbourhoods, local policing fora to discuss and make recommendations to the JPC.
  • Co-ordinate the activities of local policing fora.

(Taken from the national Joint Policing Forum guidelines).

Garda Districts Covered by the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Joint Policing Committee. 

The majority of Dun  Laoghaire Rathdown is located within the Dublin Metropolitan East district.

Within the DLR East district there are two sub districts of “F” covering Dún Laoghaire, Shankill and Cabinteely  and the “W”   covering the Blackrock, Stillorgan, Stepaside and Dundrum areas.  

Dun Laoghaire Garda Station
Tel: 01 6665000

Blackrock Garda Station
Tel: 01 6665200

Dundrum Garda Station
Tel: 01 6665600

Shankill Garda Station
Tel: 01 6665900

Cabinteely Garda Station
Tel: 01 6665400

Stepaside Garda Station
Tel: 01 6665700


Joint Policing Committee (JPC) Meeting Dates 2024:


20th February 2024, Hybrid, Council Chamber, 5 - 7pm

28th May 2024, Committee & Public Meeting, Talbot Hotel Stillorgan (see below)

  • Committee Meeting (Talbot Hotel Stillorgan Shelbourne Suite II) 5.30pm – 6.30pm
  • Public Meeting (Talbot Hotel Stillorgan Carysfort Suite II) 7.00pm-8.30pm


Local Policing Fora Meeting Dates 2024:

Ballybrack/Loughlinstown/Shankill LPF

13th February 2024, Shanganagh Park House 11am - 12 pm

16th April 2024, Shanganagh Park House 11am - 12 pm

18th June 2024, Shanganagh Park House 11am - 12 pm

17th September 2024, Shanganagh Park House 11am - 12 pm

12th November 2024 Public Meeting –Shanganagh Park House 7pm-8pm

Central Dun Laoghaire LPF

6th February 2024, The New Council Chamber, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, 11 am - 12 pm

9th April 2024, The New Council Chamber, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, 11 am - 12 pm

11th June 2024, The New Council Chamber, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, 11 am - 12 pm

3rd September 2024 Public Meeting – The Assembly Hall, County Hall, 7pm-8pm

5th November 2024, The New Council Chamber, County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, 11 am - 12 pm

Sandyford Stepaside LPF

16th January 2024, Kilternan Parish Hall, 7 pm - 8 pm

5th March 2024, Kilternan Parish Hall, 6.30pm-7.30pm

7th May 2024, Kilternan Parish Hall, 6.30pm-7.30pm

13th August 2024, Kilternan Parish Hall, 6.30pm-7.30pm

8th October 2024 Public Meeting – Kilternan Parish Hall, 7pm-8pm

3rd December 2024, Kilternan Parish Hall, 6.30pm-7.30pm

Dundrum/Stillorgan LPF

31st January 2024, DLRCOCO offices, Dundrum main street (Hybrid meeting), 11 am - 12 pm

27th March 2024, DLRCOCO offices, Dundrum main street (Hybrid meeting), 11 am - 12 pm

20th August 2024, DLRCOCO offices, Dundrum main street (Hybrid meeting), 11 am - 12 pm

15th October 2024, Public Meeting, Venue TBC, 7pm-8pm

10th December 2024, DLRCOCO offices, Dundrum main street (Hybrid meeting), 11 am - 12 pm

Operation of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Joint Policing Committee. 

While the Garda and DLRCC partnership is central to the effective operation of the JPC it is essential that there is a collective approach to assigning and accepting responsibility

  • JPC members should indicate what they will contribute to its work. All stakeholders have a role to play.
  • All members should be familiar with the Guidelines.
  • All members should know the 3 strategic priorities identified for the year. A constructive and collaborative   approach by all members is required to achieve results
  • All members should promote the work, achievements and success of the JPC through all channels of communication.

Members should be aware that policing issues that are in the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area should in the first instance be referred to the relevant Garda Station.

The current Guidelines state that this JPC should be strategic. It should not be a forum for addressing matters of detail. It should set priorities and be action orientated.


Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Joint Policing Committee Six Year Strategic Plan

dlr Joint Policing Strategy six year Strategy 2023 - 2028
DLR JPC Six Year Strategy 2023-2028.pdf
672.67 KB
PDF Document
dlr JPC Annual Reports
570.20 KB
Other file
505.84 KB
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dlr JPC Annual Report 2020
657.58 KB
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DLR JPC Annual Report 2019
513.92 KB
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dlr JPC Annual Report 2018.pdf
732.71 KB
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dlr JPC Meeting Reports
JPC Meeting Report 23rd February 2023.pdf
161.98 KB
Other file
JPC Meeting Report 17th November 2022.pdf
139.90 KB
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JPC Meeting Report 24th May 2022
153.65 KB
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Meeting Report JPC Meeting 15th February 2022
162.91 KB
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Meeting Report JPC Meeting 23rd November 2021
165.38 KB
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JPC Meeting Report 24th Feb 2021
135.44 KB
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JPC Report 25th November 2020.pdf
151.92 KB
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294.21 KB
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39.60 KB
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65.77 KB
Other file
159.24 KB
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dlr JPC Minutes of Meetings 2018-2022
Amended JPC Minutes of Meeting 20th November 2018.pdf
175.18 KB
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JPC Minutes of meeting held 04th April 2019
219.48 KB
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dlr JPC Meeting 04th Sept 2019 Minutes
198.74 KB
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Amended minutes of JPC meeting 21st November 2019.pdf
162.46 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 27th February 2020.pdf
174.22 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 25th November 2020
109.80 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 24th February 2021
145.92 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 26th May 2021.pdf
163.68 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 22nd September 2021
217.57 KB
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191.24 KB
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505.01 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 24th May 2022
371.68 KB
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JPC Minutes of Meeting 14th September 2022
375.87 KB
Other file
JPC Minutes of Meeting 17th November 2022.pdf
323.78 KB
Other file
dlr JPC Minutes of Meetings 2023
dlr JPC Minutes 23rd Feb 2023
350.86 KB
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dlr JPC minutes 30th May 2023
381.42 KB
Other file
Signed JPC minutes 13th September 2023.pdf
317.14 KB
PDF Document
dlr JPC Minutes 20th February 2024
dlr JPC Minutes 20th February 2024
369.54 KB
PDF Document

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