Strategic Policy Committees
The purpose of an SPC is to formulate, develop, monitor and review policies which relate to the functions of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and to advise the Council accordingly. Membership of the SPC comprises of elected Councillors and representatives of the following sectors:
- Agriculture/Farming
- Business/Commercial
- Development/Construction
- Environmental/Conservation/Cultural
- Community/Voluntary/Disadvantaged
- Trade Union
The SPC Scheme for the Council term 2024 - 2029 was adopted by the Members at the November 2024 County Council meeting, and is available below.
Following the adoption of the scheme, correspondence issued to groups in the above sectors to seek nominations for their representatives. Membership for the Strategic Policy Committees was brought to the January 2025 County Council meeting for approval, and is available below. This will be updated as vacancies are filled.
Corporate Policy Group
The Corporate Policy Group (CPG) consists of the Cathaoirleach, who chairs the group, together with the Chairs of the SPCs.
The CPG co-ordinates and links the work of the various SPCs and acts as a forum where policy decisions affecting the entire Council can be agreed for recommendation to the full Council.
Each SPC has at least 3 meetings per year.
Details of SPC meetings can be found under The Council and Democracy/Council Meetings/ Meetings Agendas and Minutes
A chairpersons report is a report that is prepared after the SPC meeting by the Chairperson to outline what matters were dealt with at the meeting.
Chairpersons report are included on the County Council agenda for noting by Members and are then published on the Council’s website (above this page).
Minutes of each SPC meeting contains decisions made at the meeting.
They are approved by the SPC at their next meeting. Once the minutes have been approved they are published on the Council’s website under The Council and Democracy/Council Meetings/ Meetings Agendas and Minutes
In accordance with the provisions of the legislation and guidelines from The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, the membership of the SPCs will consist of two thirds Councillors and one third sectoral representatives. The following shall apply in relation to the membership of SPCs
• Each Councillor will be a member of 2 SPCs;
• Every member of an SPC will hold office for the lifetime of the Council
(normally five years);
• If a Councillor member of an SPC ceases to be a Councillor he or she
will also automatically cease to be a member of an SPC;
• Each nominating sector is entitled to deselect its nominees as
• A sector may be represented on more than one SPC
Vacancies in the membership of the SPCs are a matter for approval by the Councillors. If a Councillor vacancy arises, the Members of the Council approve and adopted the Councillor to fill the vacancy.
If a vacancy arises from the sectoral representation, a nomination is received from the sector where the vacancy has arisen, the nomination is presented to the Members of the Council for their adoption.