county development plan 2016-22
Documents & Publications

dlr Repository

Calendar of Meetings September - December.pdf
76.88 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Calendar of Meetings September - December 2024.pdf
76.88 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Minutes of dlr Housing and Disability Steering Group Meeting 6th March 2024.pdf
77.13 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Minutes of Meeting 6th March 2024.pdf
77.13 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Minutes of dlr Housing and Disability Steering Group Meeting 6th March 2024.pdf
77.13 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Councillor Attendance Payments March 2024.pdf
174.18 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Councillor Attendance Payments April 2024.pdf
155.95 KB PDF Document Jul 04, 2024 Download
Bathing Water Quality Results Sandycove 01.07.2024.pdf
180.87 KB PDF Document Jul 03, 2024 Beaches Download
Bathing Water Quality Results Corbawn Strand 01.07.2024.pdf
170.49 KB PDF Document Jul 03, 2024 Beaches Download
Bathing Water Quality Results Seapoint 01.07.2024.pdf
172.26 KB PDF Document Jul 03, 2024 Beaches Download

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