Major Events

Creative Brainwaves Talks & Workshops on the Creative Arts Improving Brain Health in dlr LexIcon

Creative Brainwaves 2024
Event Description

Creative Brainwaves returns for a third series of talks and workshops, exploring how our engagement in various creative arts can benefit our brain health. The sessions include brain health specialists, therapists, people living with and working with those affected by acquired brain injury, and a range of artists, musicians and writers. This series is curated and facilitated by Mike Hanrahan, Global Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), Trinity College Dublin.

Tues 1, Thurs 3 & Tues 8 October
Times vary (tea & coffee will be provided 30mins prior to each talk)
Studio Theatre, Level 1, dlr LexIcon
Booking essential via dlr Libraries Eventbrite 

Contact Details
Tues 1, Thurs 3, Tues 8 October 2024

dlr Lexicon

Events Map

Creative Brainwaves 2024
Amplifying Voices and Memories Through Music and Storytelling in Care Homes with Gráinne Hope, David Hope, Fiona Mc Auley and Brian Lawlor
Library Event
Creative Brainwaves 2024
Dance and Creative Writing for Wellbeing with Laura Sarah Dowdall, Veronica Casey and Mike Hanrahan
Library Event
Creative Brainwaves 2024
Innovative arts in acquired brain injury with Alanna O’Connor, Liam Lynch, Gráinne McGettrick and Kathleen Brennan
Library Event

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