dlr Cruinniú na nÓg 2024

Calling all children and young people in dlr!
Join us for Cruinniú na nÓg 2024
Saturday 15 June
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) County Council is thrilled to announce Cruinniú na nÓg across dlr on Saturday 15 June. Cruinniú na nÓg is the national day of free creativity for children and young people. It aims to celebrate and encourage children and young people’s (aged 0 – 18) participation in culture and creativity by doing, making, and creating.
This year we will be celebrating our heritage and place, with a family day in Blackrock Park, nature-based workshops at Fernhill Park and Gardens, a silent disco in Myrtle Square, and music, spoken word, dance and theatre workshops and performances by and for young people.
Here are some highlights from this year’s programme:
For 0 – 5 year olds and their families
Join us in the LexIcon to engage with Room to Explore an interactive art exhibition, which has been designed with and for the youngest citizens of dlr. Open from 10am to 5pm we invite you to also take part in free drop in workshops, Rolling over Rainbows for 0 – 4 year olds with Helen Barry at 10am, 11am and 12pm and Life-Size Self Portraits with Marian Balfe at 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm. Workshops will be filled on a first come first served basis and more information on each one can be found at the bottom of this page.
We would especially like to thank the children and staff in Shanganagh Park House Community Creche who worked with Helen Barry for our 2024 Cruinniú na nÓg commission. Over 7 months they explored materials, played, and worked together to create these wonderful interactive sculptures.
For more information contact the Arts Office at arts@dlrcoco.ie or on (01) 2362759.
For families and children
Blackrock park family day, 11am – 3pm
We invite you to celebrate with us the history and biodiversity of Blackrock park through making, exploring and playing. We will create our very own flock of brent geese, connect with the sea by making paper boats and step back into Victorian times by creating your very own bonnets and hats. Consider what lies beneath us through geology activities and clay making. Test your circus skills and have a go at Victorian games, such as croquet, hoop and stick, and ring toss.
Bring a picnic blanket and sit back to listen to some local musical talent performing on the bandstand, including Ukulele Tuesday, Gateway to Music Youth Choir, Supertones choir, and Southside Traveller Action Group’s young rappers.
All activities are drop in and no booking is required, so please come along, bring some friends, and have fun!
[scroll down to the end of this web page to find a link for more information on this event]
Eadweard Muybridge inspired Roll and Flip animation workshop for children ages 7+
1.30 - 3.30pm
Blackrock Library
Join artist Jane Fogarty to explore the Victorian era’s fascination with technology and discover the work of Eadweard Muybridge the first person to create an animated sequence, then try to make your own roll and flip animated drawing.
Drop in, with no booking required. More information on this event at bottom of this web page.
Fernhill Park and Gardens, nature-based workshops for children ages 6+
11.00am, 12.00pm, 2.00pm, 3.00pm
We invite participants, and their families, to take a nature walk around these beautiful gardens and park, gathering natural materials and stories along our way. To end we will review our materials and create nature-based collages.
Pre-booking is necessary as numbers are limited – to book please click here
Move with Dublin Youth Dance Company
Dance workshops, 2pm - 5.30pm & performances at 2pm and 4pm
Myrtle Square / Dance Theatre of Ireland
DYDC will perform an original work created by the cast with teacher/choreographer Yumi Lee and will offer free dance workshops taught by dance artist Mariela Mira.
To book a workshop and for more information, please click here
For young people (no prior experience necessary!)
Young writers or those curious to try out creative writing …
… are invited to join Martin Keaveney and Mahon McCann at Mounttown Community Centre over a series of Wednesday evenings (1 May to 12 June) to develop their creative writing skills and present their writing from 12pm – 2pm on Cruinniú na nÓg for family and friends.
To book and for more information click here
Young songwriters or future composers aged 14 – 18 …
… are invited to join composer and writer Shauna Carrick and musician Lauryn Gaffney at The Mill Theatre Dundrum to develop their songwriting skills and compose their own material, taking place over two full days (13 and 14 June), with a final presentation from 7.30pm – 9pm on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 June.
For more information and to book a place click here
Young theatre makers or those with a dramatic flair …
… can join Barry Morgan and members of Cabinteely Youth Theatre to try out your theatre and drama skills at this free taster session. Taking place in Samuel Beckett Community Centre from 2pm – 3.30pm. Pre-booking is required, as places are limited.
For more information and to book a place click here
Young dancers and movers …
… can experience and find out about contemporary dance with Dublin Youth Dance Company. Book a dance workshop and/or come along to see their Transitions dance ensemble perform their own choreography (details above and more info here).
... and can join young Djs from Atomic for a silent disco for 14 - 18 year olds from 6.00 - 8.00pm in Myrtle Square in Dún Laoghaire.
All events are free and open to all, some events require registration / pre-booking.
For further detail on Cruinniú na nÓg and to find out more about what’s happening in your area please go to https://cruinniu.creativeireland.gov.ie/.
For any queries, please email creativeireland@dlrcoco.ie
Events Map