Gilgamesh – a shadow puppetry event
Tues 28 May, 3.00-4.00pm - for adults
Wed 29 May, 11.00am-12.00pm - for TY students
Studio Theatre, Level 1, dlr LexIcon
Booking via dlr Libraries eventbrite HERE
Long before writing was invented, storytelling was both a form of entertainment and a way in which myths were handed down. The Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, incised on clay tablets centuries before the Bible, contains such things as the flood and man’s quest for immortality. Storytellers in many cultures illustrate their narrative with images. In the present case, a background of light and shadow, populated with the figures of the tale, does this. Music also often supports or accompanies storytelling and here it provides a third element creating a blend of word, image, and music.
The show, which will last about 45 minutes, will be presented by a live narrator and musician in front of a three-metre-wide screen. Characters and moments of the story will appear and merge as shadows on the screen and draw the audience into the world of Gilgamesh. Q & A follows event.
dlr Lexicon

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