Línte na Farraige (Lines of the Sea) connects the public visually and tangibly to the risks from future sea levels, through a series of light installations across Irish coastal locations and heritage sites.

The light installations are designed by Finnish artists, Pekka Niittyvirta and Timo Aho. The Martello Tower in Blackrock Park will be wrapped with a solar powered ‘line of light’, showing possible future sea levels. The other existing installations are located at The Spanish Arch, Galway and Wexford Harbour.

Línte na Farraige is a recipient of the inaugural Creative Climate Action fund, an initiative from the Creative Ireland Programme in collaboration with the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications that supports creative, cultural and artistic projects that build awareness around climate change and empower citizens to make meaningful behavioural transformations.

Click here to look at a video about the project.

The art installation at the Martello Tower in Blackrock Park, consisting of a solar powered horizontal LED line of light, shows the future risks of rising seas and storm surges, in the year 2100 and under a high-risk scenario, where ice loss from Antarctica is greater than expected. The installation is based on future predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report AR6, and historic storm surge data in Dublin Bay.

The installation demonstrates the need to collectively reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt together to protect our coastlines and communities, from the effects of climate change. 

The Council is also hosting an associated outdoor, public exhibition on the Línte na Farraige project at Moran Park, dlr LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire. 

Find out more at www.lintenafarraige.com

The Final project report submitted to Creative Ireland is also available here.

The UCC research evaluation of the Creative Ireland projects including Línte Na Farraige is available here.

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