Air Pollution

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Air Pollution Act 1987 (Solid Fuels) Regulations 2022

The Regulations came into effect on 31st October 2022, replacing the Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) Regulations 2022 (S.I. No. 326 of 2012) as amended. The objective of these regulations is to limit the release of pollutants from domestic combustion of solid fuel and to protect and improve air quality.
Under the Regulations, it is prohibited to retail or distribute solid fuel for the purposes of combustion for heating (space or water) in a fireplace in a domestic or a licensed premises that is not an approved solid fuel under the Regulations.

To be approved, a solid fuel must conform to the relevant requirements:

•    Coal products and manufactured solid fuels must have a smoke emission rate of              less than 10 grams per hour.

•    Manufactured part-biomass products must have a smoke emission rate of less                  than 5 grams per hour.

•    Coal products and manufactured solid fuels, including manufactured                                 part-biomass products, must have:

  1.   Until 31st August 2025, a sulphur content less than 2% by weight on a           dry, ash-free basis, and

  2.   From 1st September 2025 (subject to market assessment), a sulphur            content less than 1% by weight on a dry ash-free basis'

•    Fuel products which are 100% biomass products, including wood products and                wood logs, (other than wood supplied in units of two cubic metres or more),                    must have:

  1.   Until 31st August 2025, a moisture content of less than 25%, and

  2.   From 1st September 2025, a moisture content less than 20%.

Solid Fuel Producer Registration
A solid fuel producer is a person who, for the purposes of combustion or heating, produces or treats or imports solid fuel for retail or distribution in the State.

The Regulations require that producers of solid fuels must register with the EPA to be placed on a Fuels Register. The EPA is responsible for the administration of the Fuel Register, and issues a unique registration number to each registered producer.

Producers must register annually by 1st September each year. Registration for the 2024-2025 heating season has now commenced.

How to register
In order to be placed on the Fuels Register for the heating season, a producer must submit a completed application form to

The application form and further information can be found here



Working together to make Dublin’s Air even Better

The Four Dublin Local Authorities are preparing a new Air Quality Plan to improve levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Check it out here!

Air Pollution Complaints

Complaints concerning incidents of air pollution within the Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown functional area are referred by the Enforcement Section to Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) for investigation. Statutory Notices may subsequently be served on offenders requiring them to take measures to eliminate the cause of the air pollution. Should the pollution continue to occur, the matter can then be referred to the Courts for further action.

Incidents of air pollution may be reported using the Environmental Complaints Form or by contacting the Enforcement Section directly at ph. (01) 205 4700, or e-mailing

Air Quality Monitoring

Detailed information and real-time data relating to air quality levels in the Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown area is available on the EPA website and can be accessed by clicking here.


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