Creative Ireland Bursaries 2024

dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries 2024

Funded by Creative Ireland

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries 2024 which focus on supporting arts and cultural organisations, collectives and groups in delivering new and existing programmes or initiatives that help create Creative Communities. 

The 2024 Recipients are: 

Music Network

Arantxa Colome


Sandyford Youth Band

Martin Meegan


Floating World

Andrea Scott


Festival in a Van

Elizabeth Mohen


Blue Drum

Ed Carroll


MAM (Mothers, Artists,Makers)

Lesley Conroy


This funding opportunity forms part of the Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023 -2027 funded by Creative Ireland and delivered by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Empowering Creative Communities is a key strand of our new strategy which will enable people to work together to transform their communities, their lives and their environment through creativity.

Creative Ireland is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing. The core proposition is that participation in cultural activity drives personal and collective creativity, with significant implications for individual and societal wellbeing and achievement.

dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries offer the opportunity to secure funding to support the development of our local creative communities though projects, events and capacity building.


Awarded in 2023

Andrea Scott - Floating World Theatre €2840

Thomas Joseph - Social Space €2,000

Niamh Lawlor - Puca Puppets €3,500

Fionnghuala Ni Neill- Dublin Animation Festival €3,500

Alison Kay - Artnet €1850

Leslie Conroy - MAM (Mothers, Artists, Makers) €3,310

Romi Cruanas - Fusion Murga €3,000


Awarded in 2022: 

Banbha McCann €1,130.00

Cecilia Bullo €2,000.00

Chris Cole €2,000.00

Cian Malin €1,500.00

Debi Paul €1,983.00

Gemma Crowe €1,000.00

Grace Morgan €870.00

Jane Cummins €2,000.00

Laoise Murray €1,970.00

Leah Hilliard €2,000.00

Michelle Walshe €1,585.00

Ronan Mac Dubhgaill €1,400.00

Susan Early €500.00

Laoise Murray - Grace Morgan - Taste in your mouth  €4,000.00

Tzarini Meyler €2,000.00

William Dunleavy €1,340.00

dlr Creative Ireland Artists' Professional Development Bursaries 2021

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Professional Development Bursaries 2021.

Funding was given to arts practitioners working in a range of artforms including theatre, opera, music and visual art. This funding will support these artists to develop their practice through  short term training courses, residencies in artist retreats and mentorship opportunties with a more experienced practitioner.

Bursaries were awarded to a maximum of €1,500 and were funded by Creative Ireland

Aisling Smith
William Dunleavy
Saoirse Siné
Sonya Gildea
Fergal Styles
Rodrigo Almonte Zegarro
Ann Kavanagh
Grace Mogan
Charleen Hurtubise
Conor Prenderville
Sadhbh Malin
Darina Meagher
Andrea Scott


dlr Creative Ireland Arts Organisations Bursaries 2021

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries 2021.

These bursaries focused on supporting cultural organisations and institutions in dlr in delivering new and existing programmes or initiatives to artists and the general public. Funding supported activities such as an animation festival, purchasing instruments for a youth band and the development of programmes for an over 50's dance club.

Dun Laoghaire Summer Organ Festival €2500
Dublin Animation Film Festival €3000
dlr Mill Theatre €3000
Kaleidoscope Night €2000
Sandyford Youth Band €3300
Macushla South Dance Club 50+ €3200

dlr Creative Ireland Innovation & Incubation Bursaries 2020

 dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries  support the  innovation and incubation of new ideas, projects and ways of working in cultural organisations and institutions in dlr.

This funding opportunity forms part of the Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018- 2022, funded by Creative Ireland and delivered by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.

Creative Ireland is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing. The core proposition is that participation in cultural activity drives personal and collective creativity, with significant implications for individual and societal wellbeing and achievement.

This round of dlr Creative Ireland bursaries offers the opportunity for professional, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown based not-for-profit cultural organisations and institutions to invest resources and time to develop innovative ways of working, engaging with their audiences or artists in new ways, test new ideas and practices or incubate a new project or strand to their work. Researching and testing pilot projects, prototyping new initiatives and establishing innovative partnerships are encouraged.

The recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Innovation and Incubation Bursaries 2020 are:

  • Blackrock Animation Festival       €2,000
  • dlr Mill Theatre                             €3,000
  • Dance Theatre of Ireland             €3,000
  • Parity Studios                               €3,000
  • Dalkey Castle                               €1,200
  • Floating World Productions          €2,500
  • Blue Diamond Theatre                 €2,480

dlr Creative Ireland Artist Professional Development and Mentorship Bursary

The artist professional development and mentorship bursaries offers support and invests in the capacity of professional artists working in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. The objective of this bursary is to support further creative development among professional artists in Dún Laoghaire -Rathdown and to grow that capacity of the arts community by supporting professional development and mentorship

The recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Artist Professional Development and Mentorship Bursary are:

  • Kevin Gildea (Literature)          €1,000
  • Helen Hughes (Visual Art)       €1,500
  • Cecilia Bullo (Visual Art)          €1,500
  • Elizabeth Hilliard (Music)         €1,500
  • Nora Kelly Lester (Theatre)     €1,000
  • Jane Robinson (Poetry and Music) €1,500
  • Niamh McCann (Theatre)        €700
  • Leah HIlliard (Visual Art)         €1,500
  • Sinead Keegan (Script Writing) €770
  • Emma O'Kane ( Dance)           €1,500
  • Grace O'Malley (Performing Arts) €1,500
  • Laoise Murray (Theatre)          €800
  • Norma Sheahan (Performing Arts) €1050
  • Aisling Smith (Performing Arts) €155
  • Michelle Walsh (Literature)        €710

Writer's Bursaries 2020

Writer's Bursaries of €3,000 were awarded for the creation and development of new literary work

  • Angela Finn for the development of her novella
  • Catherine Talbot for the development of her second novel




dlr Creative Ireland Bursary 2019 (round 2)

The Artist Professional Development and Mentorship Bursaries Round 2, 2019 supported 11 individual artists to engage in short term training courses, residencies in artist retreats or mentorship with a more experienced practitioner.

The artists awarded bursaries were Sheena Lambert, Ali Hardiman, Pamela Quinn, Denise Deegan, Elaine Harrington, Grace Morgan, Laoise Murray, Shane Kelly Lester, Susan Early, Kathryn Maguire, Emma O'Kane, Cathal McGuire.

The Innovation and Incubation Bursaries, awarded to dlr Mill Theatre and IADT allowed both organizations to invest resources and time to develop innovative ways of working, engaging with their audiences or sectors in new ways or incubate a new strand to their work. 

Congratulations to all the artists, mentors and organisations involved.

The bursaries are funded by Creative Ireland.

These bursaries form part of the Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018- 2022, funded by Creative Ireland and delivered by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.

Creative Ireland Bursaries 2019 

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries 2019.

The awards aim to encourage the development of partnerships between local communities and artists, creative practitioners and/or arts organisations in the design and development of creative and cultural projects and events throughout the County.

The awards are funded by Creative Ireland, a five year all-of- Government initiative, from 2017 to 2022, to place creativity at the centre of public policy. The Creative Ireland Programme is guided by a vision that every person in Ireland will have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential. 

3 projects are awarded bursaries, amounting to €13,793 in total, supporting activity taking place around the County.

The artforms supported include visual art and graphic design, theatre and dance.



Award amount


Loughlinstown, Ballybrack and Shanganagh Men's Shed


To work with an artist to learn graphic harvesting and produce a wall mural

Floating World Productions


Theatre project with older persons in dlr Mill Theatre, Dundrum

Dance Theatre of Ireland


Well Dance classes and performance by older people in Ballinteer, Mt Merrion and Johnstown Killiney



Creative Ireland Bursaries 2018 announcement

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Bursaries 2018.

The bursaries aim to support the considerable number of individual artists and cultural organisations that sought to engage with Creative Ireland in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County.

The awards are funding by Creative Ireland, a five year all-of- Government initiative, from 2017 to 2022, to place creativity at the centre of public policy. The Creative Ireland Programme is guided by a vision that every person in Ireland will have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential. 

9 projects are awarded bursaries, amounting to €25,000 in total, supporting activity taking place in Cabinteely, Ballybrack, Glencullen, Glasthule, Stillorgan, Dundrum, Dalkey, Dún Laoghaire.

The projects include Festivals, Early Year Family, Older Persons and intergenerational art activities and Community Arts. The artforms supported include architecture, craft, animation, choral music, theatre, literature, visual art and dance.

Welcoming the announcement, An Cathaoirleach Councilor Ossian Smyth said

 “We are very pleased to partner with Creative Ireland to offer bursaries for communities throughout Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown to engage in our local culture through festivals, events and workshops. We look forward to seeing a variety of creative projects throughout the County in the coming months”.




where activity will take place

Award amount


Dublin Animation Film Festival

Dun Laoghaire


Support for the 2018 animation film festival

Ballyogan Resource Centre



Early years art activity with families

Blaithin Quinn






Village Encounters, an architecture project engaging local villages communities resulting in a publication.

Dance Theatre of Ireland



Weekly dance classes for older people

Conlent Gent



Wood Carving with older persons groups leading to an exhibition

Floating World



Create an intergenerational family singing group/choir

Floating World



Participatory project for those over 65yr to create a site specific work of theatre

Dalkey Creates



Support of Dalkey Creates Festival

Dalkey Castle and Heritage Centre



Support for Echoes 2018, festival celebrating Maeve Binchy and other Irish Writers



2023 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

2023 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

This award was to support the following:

  • creativity in cultural organisations and groups based in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
  • creative activities or initiatives which will have a significant impact on artists or the public within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
  • projects and activities which respond to the Empowering Creative Communities Strand of the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Culture and Creative Strategy 2023-27.

The award supported activity taking place from July to December 2023.


Andrea Scott -Floating World Theatre - €2,840

Thomas Joseph - Social Space - €2,000

Niamh Lawlor - Puca Puppets - €3,500

Fionnghuala Ni Neill - Dublin Animation Festival - €3,500

Alison Kay - Artnet - €1,850

Leslie Conroy - MAM - €3,310

Romi Cruanas - Fusion Murga - €3,000

2022 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

2022 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

Professional Development and Mentorship Bursaries.


Banbha McCann - €1,130.00

Cecilia Bullo - €2,000.00

Chris Cole - €2,000.00

Cian Malin - €1,500.00

Debi Paul - €1,983.00

Gemma Crowe - €1,000.00

Grace Morgan - €870.00

Jane Cummins - €2,000.00

Laoise Murray - €1,970.00

Leah Hilliard - €2,000.00

Michelle Walshe - €1,585.00

Ronan Mac Dubhgaill - €1,400.00

Susan Early - €500.00

Tzarini Meyler - €2,000.00

William Dunleavy - €1,340.00


Cultural organisations Bursary

Laoise Murray - Grace Morgan - Taste in your mouth  €4,000.00

2021 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

2021 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

Dun Laoghaire Summer Organ Festival


Dublin Animation Film Festival


dlr Mill Theatre


Kaleidoscope Night


Sandyford Youth Band


Macushla South Dance Club 50+


2019 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

2019 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

Loughlinstown, Ballybrack and Shanganagh Men's Shed


To work with an artist to learn graphic harvesting and produce a wall mural

Floating World Productions


Theatre project with older persons in dlr Mill Theatre, Dundrum

Dance Theatre of Ireland


Well Dance classes and performance by older people in Ballinteer, Mt Merrion and Johnstown Killiney

Dublin Animation Film Festival

Dun Laoghaire


Support for the 2018 animation film festival

Ballyogan Resource Centre



Early years art activity with families

Blaithin Quinn






Village Encounters, an architecture project engaging local villages communities resulting in a publication.

Dance Theatre of Ireland



Weekly dance classes for older people

Conlent Gent



Wood Carving with older persons groups leading to an exhibition

Floating World



Create an intergenerational family singing group/choir

Floating World



Participatory project for those over 65yr to create a site specific work of theatre

Dalkey Creates



Support of Dalkey Creates Festival

Dalkey Castle and Heritage Centre



Support for Echoes 2018, festival celebrating Maeve Binchy and other Irish Writers


2020 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients

2020 Creative Ireland Bursary Recipients
  • Blackrock Animation Festival       €2,000
  • dlr Mill Theatre                             €3,000
  • Dance Theatre of Ireland             €3,000
  • Parity Studios                               €3,000
  • Dalkey Castle                               €1,200
  • Floating World Productions          €2,500
  • Blue Diamond Theatre                 €2,480


The recipients of the dlr Creative Ireland Artist Professional Development and Mentorship Bursary are:

  • Kevin Gildea (Literature)          €1,000
  • Helen Hughes (Visual Art)       €1,500
  • Cecilia Bullo (Visual Art)          €1,500
  • Elizabeth Hilliard (Music)         €1,500
  • Nora Kelly Lester (Theatre)     €1,000
  • Jane Robinson (Poetry and Music) €1,500
  • Niamh McCann (Theatre)        €700
  • Leah HIlliard (Visual Art)         €1,500
  • Sinead Keegan (Script Writing) €770
  • Emma O'Kane ( Dance)           €1,500
  • Grace O'Malley (Performing Arts) €1,500
  • Laoise Murray (Theatre)          €800
  • Norma Sheahan (Performing Arts) €1050
  • Aisling Smith (Performing Arts) €155
  • Michelle Walsh (Literature)        €710


Writer's Bursaries of €3,000 were awarded for the creation and development of new literary work

  • Angela Finn for the development of her novella
  • Catherine Talbot for the development of her second novel


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