Market Surveillance
Market Surveillance is the activities carried out and measures taken by the Market Surveillance Authority to ensure that construction products comply with the requirements set out in the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and do not endanger health, safety or any other aspect of public interest protection.
Market Surveillance of construction products in Ireland is lead by the National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office (NBC&MSO) as prescribed under S.I. No. 682 of 2020, who have a team of authorised officers dedicated to carrying out reactive and proactive market surveillance on a nationwide basis. The National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office leads and coordinates the National Market Surveillance Strategy in conjunction with the 31 Building Control / Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) for Market Surveillance of Construction Products, with the aim of strengthening the oversight and enforcement of the existing construction products regime and establish a systematic approach to ensure effectiveness of market surveillance and enforcement activities.
Videos containing information from the National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office can be found on their YouTube Channel which is available HERE . Also, up to date information, newsletters and presentations can be found HERE .