Business Financial Supports

For further information contact the Economic Development Unit




The Local Enterprise Office provides grant assistance, training and mentoring to individual businesses. Among the supports offered are Trading Online Vouchers, Microfinance Loans and a range of other financial supports.

Alongside this, the Economic Development Unit also provides a number of direct financial supports to businesses based in the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area.

Shopfront Improvement Scheme
Business owners carrying out shopfront improvements may be eligible for a grant of 50 per cent of the cost (before VAT) of the works, subject to a maximum grant of €5,000 per premises. Full details and the online application form are available here


Occupation of Vacant Commercial Premises

The scheme is open to businesses that occupy a commercial premises which was vacant for a minimum of six months at the date of application. A sliding-scale refund of 75%, 50% and 25% of the rates paid in the first three years, subject to a maximum refund of €7,500, €5,000 and €2,500 respectively for each year, is available to eligible businesses. Further information is available here.


Street Furniture Grant 

The objective of the Street Furniture Grant is to contribute to vibrant town and village centres by assisting and supporting the hospitality sector in establishing outdoor dining facilities in the public realm. The Grant provides support towards the cost of equipment to provide on-street outdoor seating and accessories. Further information is available here.


Applicants to this grant must be in possession of a section 254 Street Furniture Licence, issues by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and covering the the area under consideration. Form for this licence can be found here.


Seasonal Fund Grant

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council provides funding to business representative organisations to bring seasonal cheer to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s Towns, Villages and Neighbourhood Centres for Christmas. Funding is available for lighting and decorating commercial areas, making them attractive spaces for customers to visit and shop locally. The fund will open again for applications in late summer/early autumn 2024.

Other Supports
The Council’s Finance Department administers the Business Support Grant, which automatically applies grant support to qualifying businesses via their Commercial Rates bill. The Commercial Rates Section also provides advice and information to businesses facing difficulties in meeting their Rates obligations.

Business Area Promotion Grants
Business Area Promotion Grants provide financial support to business groups for promotion and marketing activities aimed at driving footfall and encouraging economic growth. This Scheme is not currently open for applications but a further round of funding is expected later in 2024. Details will be published here.




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