Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

The Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 (the Plan) sets out to achieve, by no later than the end of 2050, the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral County. This is reflected in its Vision for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown to be


‘A climate resilient county with an ambition to be carbon neutral by 2050’


and in its Mission Statement:


‘To deliver measurable climate actions across our County and within dlr through leadership, example and mobilising action at local level.’

Aligned to the Government’s National Climate Objective (as set out in the national Climate Action Plan 2024), the Plan outlines mitigation and adaptation climate action measures across the following six thematic areas - Energy & Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature Based Solutions, Circular Economy & Resource Management and Citizen Engagement. 

‘Over the lifetime of the Climate Action Plan, our staff will work with the partners identified, and any other new ones that may emerge, to deliver the actions listed so that the vision and mission of the plan can be realised. We have many projects in progress, and more being planned across the County which will be of benefit to all in our collective efforts to both adapt to and mitigate climate related impacts such as flooding, sea level rise, extreme weather events and drought.Frank Curran, Chief Executive, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.

The Council mainstreams its efforts and collaborates across departments, staff and Elected Members, to achieve energy efficiency and emission reductions across its own buildings, facilities, travel, functions and services, and influences climate action in the wider community because Climate Action is also a goal in its Corporate Plan 2025-2029.

The Council will be committed to the annual monitoring and reporting of progress made in implementing the actions set out in the Plan and to ongoing citizen and stakeholder engagement as the County as a ‘community’, continues its efforts to contribute to the shared national climate objective, as set out in the Government’s National Climate Action Plan 2024 and its future iterations.

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