Deputations Information
A Deputation meeting provides the platform for a Residents Association/Community Group to meet and discuss issues in their locality with Local Elected Members and Council Officials.
From September 2025 it will be necessary for any group wishing to apply for a Deputation to be a member of the PPN and to provide their membership number.
Please note, agenda items must be within the remit of your specific area.
Deputations are held in private session therefore the recording of a meeting is not permitted.
How to apply for a Deputation
All requests for Deputations must be emailed to, Corporate Affairs Department, Tel: (01) 2054826.
Submit your Constitution (a standard template can be found here), including the name of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary of your Residents Association or Community Group.
Once your request is received, your group is placed on a waiting list and you will be contacted with a provisional date for the meeting.
You will then be contacted for your Agenda items. You may submit a maximum of 5 items, which must be within the area of the remit of your Committee. A sample of the Agenda item sheet can be found here.
Presentations, if being submitted, should be received a week before the meeting.
No deputation from any association or group shall be received more than once in any six-month period.
A meeting invite will be sent out to you via Microsoft Teams prior to the meeting.
General Information
Deputations are held monthly on a Wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm, 3.15pm and 4.15pm. The duration of the meetings are 45 minutes.
No Deputation meetings are held in July, August and December.
The following are upcoming dates for Deputation meetings: 16th April 2025 14th May 2025 11th June 2025 |
The Customer Service Policy and Action Plan can be found at this link.
What Items cannot be discussed at a Deputation Meeting?
The following items cannot be dealt with at a Deputation meeting, and if included on your agenda they will be removed:
- Areas that have not been taken in charge by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council or requests for areas to be Taken in Charge. Further information can be found by clicking this link.
- Planning files and Developments. Further information can be found by clicking this link.
- Planning Enforcement cases. Enforcement files are not public files so cannot be viewed. Further information can be found by clicking this link.
- Part 8 applications. Further information can be found by clicking this link.
- Derelict sites. Further information can be found by clicking this link.
- Commercial Industrial Estates. Click here to email
- Housing Maintenance issues. Further information can be found by clicking this link.
What is involved in a Deputation meeting?
A Deputation meeting is attended by Ward Councillors, Council Officials, administration staff, and up to 5 members of the Association.
The Chairperson will guide the attendees through the agenda, with Council Officials responding to agenda items. Ward Councillors in attendance may also wish to make comment on items being discussed.
All participants of the meeting must treat each other with mutual respect, and failure to do so will be called out by the Chairperson.
Will there be minutes of the Deputations Meeting?
All commitments made during Deputation meetings will be logged on our CRM system, and a summary document will be sent to all attendees with a list of commitments and the corresponding CRM numbers. Any follow up queries on CRMs should be sent to stating the CRM case number.