county development plan 2016-22
Documents & Publications

dlr Repository

Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson's Report from the Transporation and Marine SPC held on 19 June 2023 .pdf
84.19 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download
Ireland Reads 2024 dlr LexIcon Events (1).pdf
896.81 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Download
Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson's Report from the Special Community, Culture and Wellbeing SPC held on 12 April 2023.pdf
69.02 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download
Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson Report from the Community, Culture and Wellbeing SPC Meeting held on 8th March 2023.pdf
74.53 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download
Notice for Landlords.pdf
72.13 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Download
Ireland Reads 2024 dlr LexIcon Events (1).pdf
896.81 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Libraries Download
Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson's Report from the Environment and Climate Action SPC held on 15 June 2023.pdf
103.81 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download
Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson's Report from the Community, Culture and Wellbeing SPC Meeting held on 21th June 2023.pdf
184.91 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download
Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson Report from the Community, Culture and Wellbeing SPC held on 8 March 2023.pdf
74.53 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download
Councillors & Democracy
Chairperson's Report from the Housing SPC held on 27 September 2023.pdf
150.92 KB PDF Document Feb 21, 2024 Councillors & Democracy Download

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