Seniors' Crafts Showcase & Crafts Demonstrations

We invite you to join us at Dún Laoghaire Rathdown’s first Senior’s Crafts Showcase. The event will showcase and celebrate crafting and creativity by older people in dlr as part of dlr Festival of Inclusion and Bealtaine 2024.
The event will bring creative older people together to share their creations, skills and knowledge and gives the opportunity for older creatives to get to know each other and build and develop their community in dlr.
Local older crafts people are invited and will showcase together in one setting their creations, including local ICA, knitting, arts & crafting groups and Men’s & Women’s Sheds.
Groups interested in showcasing their arts & crafts: please contact Fionn Carroll at 086 0314 561/
Through this event we hope to encourage people of all ages to engage with creativity and crafting and to reap the benefits that craftmaking and the crafting community brings to ageing well, and to health and wellbeing in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
Visitors and members of the public all welcome on the day.
Free to exhibit and to visit on the day
Further information: Fionn Carroll at 086 0314 561/
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