UCD Lifelong Learning Tours and Talks

UCD Access & Lifelong Learning are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment on campus and to making learning more accessible to everyone in our community
We are delighted to organise this day off Tours and Talks on the UCD Campus as part of dlr Festival of Inclusion 2024 in conjunction with Dublin Bus
Thursday 16th May 10:45am-3pm
10:45 Arrival from bus (Access Leaders guide group to tours)
11:00-12:00 Special Collections Tour with UCD Library / Tour of the Classics Museum
12:00-13:00 Tour of the Classics Museum
12:15-13:00 Tour of the National Folklore Collection
13:00-14:00 Lunch in the Access & Lifelong Learning Centre
14:00-14:30 History Taster Lecture with Lifelong Learning Tutor Michael Doran
14:30 Access Leaders bring group back to bus
Meeting point at 10:45 & 3pm:
Bus stop at the back of UCD Newman Building
A free Wheelchair Accessible Dublin Bus will leave from outside Dún Laoghaire Dart Station, Crofton Road at 10.00am and bring participants to the bus stop at the back of the UCD Newman Building & will depart from the same bus stop at 3.00p.m to Dún Laoghaire Dart Station, estimated arrival 3.45p.m
Bookings essential as limited to 40 places - Please book online at ucd.ie/lifelonglearning or by phoning UCD Access & Lifelong Learning Centre: 01 716 7123 to book your spot on the tours and Dublin Bus transport.
University College Dublin