Project Updates
21st March 2025:
1. Works elements completed / ongoing:
- Drainage, traffic signal chambers and ducts, kerbing and footways are 95% complete at the northwest quadrant of Baker’s Corner.
- Drainage, traffic signal chambers and ducts, kerbing and footways are 60% complete at the northeast quadrant of Baker’s Corner.
- Drainage, traffic signal chambers and ducts, kerbing, and footways are 30% complete in the southwest quadrant of Baker’s Corner.
- Road crossings for traffic signal ducting were completed between the 10th & 13th of March. Item is now 60% complete.
- Public lighting foundations completed.
2. Works lookahead:
- Continue drainage, traffic signal chambers and ducts, kerbing and footways in all areas at Baker’s Corner
- Commence works on the north side of Kill Avenue towards Rose Park
- Commence excavation works for rain garden along Kill Lane
3. Early warning items:
- None
4. Other:
- The next update is on Friday, 4 April 2025. For weekly traffic news updates, please visit
07th March 2025:
1. Works elements completed / ongoing:
- Laying of drainage connections, gullies, traffic signal chambers and ducts are 85% complete at the northwest quadrant of Baker’s Corner.
- The traffic signal pole foundations and sockets in place on northwest quadrant.
- Pedestrian crossing island, footway and tactiles for the northwest quadrant of Bakers Corner is 90% complete.
- Site clearance and excavation for kerbing works and cycle track on the southwest quadrant of Bakers Corner are underway.
2. Works lookahead:
- Road crossing excavations for utility ducting and drainage connections underway next week.
- Continue kerbing, drainage, utility and footpath works at the northeast and southwest quadrants of Bakers Corner.
- New drainage gullies are on the northwest, northeast, and southwest quadrants.
3. Early warning items:
- Traffic light switchouts will take place at Bakers Corner Junction from Monday, March 10th, to Thursday, March 13th, inclusive, between 10 am and 4 pm. Stop/Go traffic management will be in operation.
4. Other:
- The next project update is on Friday, 21 March 2025. For weekly traffic news updates, please visit
21st February 2025:
1. Works elements completed / ongoing:
- Early liaison with utility providers to schedule timely diversion of services
- Excavations for drainage works, gullies, traffic signal chambers and ducts are 75% complete at the northwest quadrant of Baker’s Corner.
- Kerbing work for the northwest quadrant of Bakers Corner is 50% complete
- Completed site clearance and excavation for kerbing work on the northeast quadrant of Bakers Corner.
- Materials with long lead times are being ordered.
2. Works lookahead:
- Continue kerbing, drainage, utility and footpath works at the northwest and northeast quadrants of Bakers Corner.
3. Early warning items:
- None
4. Other:
As part of Clonmel Enterprises Ltd's public engagement and communication plan, a public meeting will be held to inform local residents and businesses about construction activities. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The following local community centre has been booked for this public meeting:
Venue: Holy Family Parish Resource Centre, Kill Ave, Bakers Corner, Eircode A96 VX01
Date: Thursday, 27th February 2025
Time: 7:30 pm
- The next project update is due on Friday, 7 March 2025.
10th February 2025:
1. Works elements completed / ongoing:
Works commenced on the 5th of February at Bakers Corner and a new temporary traffic management system was set up. To facilitate the works, traffic lights were unavoidably switched out between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm and the junction operated under Stop/ Go traffic management. This initial disruptive element of the works has now passed, and future traffic through the junction will be governed predominantly by traffic lights.
- All wires to existing traffic light poles were removed
- Traffic light poles were then cut down and placed into moveable concrete blocks
- A team of electricians then rewired the traffic light system
- Existing traffic islands were demolished and resurfaced
- Line marking completed for the interim junction layout
- A site office was set up in the old Garda Station on Rochestown Ave
- A site compound was set up off Rochestown Ave
- Commenced excavation and kerbing work at the northwest quadrant of Bakers Corner.
2. Works lookahead:
- Continue kerbing, drainage, utility and footpath works at the northwest quadrant of Bakers Corner.
3. Early warning items: NA
4. Other:
- Higher levels of traffic congestion are typically experienced in the first weeks of a new traffic management system. It takes time for new travel patterns to emerge and for traffic flows to find a new equilibrium. We understand that such traffic congestion can sometimes test people’s patience. While we apologise for any inconvenience caused, we ask for your respectful cooperation with traffic management personnel.
- Please note the Bus Stop at Holy Family Church is closed. A new Temporary Bus Stop is provided 70 metres further down Kill Avenue. Additional directional signage has been ordered to assist people in finding the new Temporary Bus Stop.
- The next project update is due on Friday, 21 February 2025.
20th January 2025:
***Works commencing!***
Works are commencing on the DLR Central Scheme on 5th February 2025. They are proposed to continue for approximately 2 years.
The first phase of work will be at the Bakers Corner junction and continue for approximately 3 months. A new temporary traffic signal arrangement will be set up to facilitate the construction. This will remove the left turn slip lane from Rochestown Avenue onto Kill Lane, but left turns will continue to be permitted.
While works are ongoing there will be a temporary loss of capacity at the Bakers Corner junction that will cause significant disruption.
Although traffic management plans will strive to minimise the extent of this disruption, it is advised that members of the public should, where possible, take alternative routes to avoid the area.
Works updates will be posted to the website as they are available. A copy of the general arrangement drawings for the scheme is available here.
A traffic management plan will be in place, including VMS signs further back in the network to notify of disruption.
The contractor is currently seeking a permanent compound location. When the works commence, a satellite compound will be located in the green space in Rose Park. Further details on this compound will be circulated to Rose Park residents via letter drop.
DLR will have resident engineering staff onsite for the duration of these works. Contact details are as follows:
- William Winters, Senior Resident Engineer
- Niall Geraghty, Resident Engineer
The Contractor for this scheme is Clonmel Enterprises Ltd.
- Gareth Davies Project manager
- James Woods Site Engineer
Dedicated contact details of the contractor: 086 032 4904
In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended), Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council hereby gives notice of a proposal to construct as follows:
High-quality pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to promote active travel on Kill Avenue (R830), Mounttown Road Lower (R829), Mounttown Road Upper (R829) & Glenageary Road Upper (R829), Dún Laoghaire. It is proposed to install continuous, high-quality, and segregated cycling and walking facilities; improve public realm areas including incidental play features; improve bus priority along Kill Avenue up to the Bakers Corner Junction & improve landscaping along the extent of the scheme including sustainable urban drainage systems.
In accordance with S.I. 476, 2011, Section 250, Planning and Development (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations, 2011 and S.I. 296, 2018 European Union (Planning and Development) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2018, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has carried out screenings and has determined the following:
- An Appropriate Assessment is not required
- There is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment so therefore the preliminary assessment has concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment Report is not required.