Safe and Quiet Streets: Seafield Estate

The Safe and Quiet Streets design process is being undertaken for the Seafield Estate after it was nominated by the Seafield Residents Association to the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLRCC).
The Council launched the Safe & Quiet Streets initiative to work with local communities to design residential spaces across the county. The aim was to develop a resident-led street design, focused on people rather than vehicles would lead to outcomes of safer space. Spaces where residents feel are able to walk, cycle and wheel, streets where children can play and residents can come together, where air quality and biodiversity are increased, and noise pollution is reduced.
The process consists of three key stages:
1. Selection of suitable sites
2. Consultation with the community
3. Implementing measures on the ground
Below is a graphical representation of the voting results on the Seafield Safe & Quiet Streets Concept Design that took place on Sep 2022, with 71% of the community voting in favour of the proposals.