Call for Artists for Dún Laoghaire Baths

Deadline for all applications is 12 noon, Thursday 11 July 2024.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Arts Office are pleased to announce new residencies in dlr Baths for 2024-25.

dlr Visual Artist Studios

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Arts Office seeks to award three artist studio workspaces for a period of 1 year. Two studios are available from September 2024 and one that starts in March 2025. These studios are open to visual artists working in any medium however, your working methods need to be compatible with the space available.

The Council’s Arts Development Plan identifies the lack of accessible artist workspace as the key barrier to artists career progression in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown. This opportunity is an action of our plan which seeks to address this challenge and support the career of dlr Visual Artist for a 1-year period.

The selected Artists will each be awarded exclusive use of an artist’s studio in Dún Laoghaire Baths, and a materials budget of €6,500.


Please find below the link to read more and apply:


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found at the bottom of this page.


An onsite briefing session at the Baths Studios will take place on 11am, Wednesday 26 June. As the Baths Studios are currently in use by artists, visitors will only be able to view one of the studios, as well as the common space. To book a place for this briefing please email with the subject heading BAS


If you have any questions please email and allow 3 working days for a reply.

Period to submit queries:  May 30 – June 28th, 2024 

If you need support in making your application online, please contact the Arts Office by Monday 8 July 2024.

The Friendship Residency


Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is delighted to partner with Enable Ireland and St. John of God Dublin South East Services on this studio residency for professional artists.  

This Residency offers an artist/s access to Studio 4 in dlr Baths from September 2024 for 12 months. The Residency allows the space and time to focus on the creation of the artist/s own work while also building relationships with participants from Enable Ireland and St. John of God Dublin South East Services. The Services wish to explore the meaning of friendship today, with the artist/s, as a starting point. This Residency aims to be a positive and joyful one for all involved, a celebration of mutual trust and support, of friendship.  

In addition to the Studio the artist/s will receive a monthly fee to support their practice, a materials budget, and a training stipend.


Please find below the link to read more and apply:


The deadline for Friendship Residency questions is 12 noon, Monday 1 July. 

Site visit to Studio 4 is Thursday July 5 at 11.30am, to book a place email with the subject line BFS.

The deadline for applications is 12 noon, Thursday 11 July.

Your application can include written documents, video, or audio files. 


If you have any access requirements, please let us know.  

Email: or telephone: (01) 236 2756 

logo for enable ireland

logo for st john of gods



dlr Visual Artist Studios – FAQ


This questions below detail frequently asked questions and our replies in response to the yearlong artist workspace opportunities in Dún Laoghaire Baths. It is hoped that by sharing these questions applicants will be better informed to make a submission through our online portal.

A PDF version of the FAQ can be found at the bottom of this page.

The closing date for submission is July 11 at 12 noon.

Can I rent a room for a community group/class/workshop?
No, artist workspaces are awarded through an open call and cannot be rented.
My art practice is not based in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and I don’t live in the County, can I apply?

No, this opportunity is only available to artists who live, or practice their art in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.  

Can the public look into the studios?

The Studios are your private workspaces and are partitioned off from the public area. The public may be invited into your space through organized public events with the agreement and support of the artists working onsite. All windows have blinds.

How are the studios allocated between the artists?

The Arts Office will allocate each studio to successful applicants.

What hours can artists access the studios?

Artists will have 24-hour access to their workspace.

If I get offered a studio, can I defer the start date?

No, you must be available to take up the studio during the period selection at the time of application.

Where can artists dispose of waste?

There is onsite waste disposal.

Is there an exhibition space?

No, there is no public exhibition space for studio artists.

Is there a restriction on the type of materials used in the studios?

The studios are domestic in scale. It has single phase electricity and no mechanical ventilation. The building is shared use with the Happy Out café. The public have access to the bathrooms on the lower ground floor. Attention needs to be given to significant noise transfer and the safe use of materials and equipment; for the impact on staff, visitors and fellow artists working on site. The appropriateness of materials, noise levels and working methods may need to be assessed by the Council. Material use should be detailed in your application.

Do you have to use the studio for the full duration? Can you go away for a few weeks?

You have solo use of the studio for the full duration of your agreed term. Artists can take breaks from the studio, but you should be available and plan to make good use of this valuable studio resource during the agreed term. The agreed term cannot be extended to facilitate breaks. 

Is there 3 phase electrics?

No, only single- phase.

Will the outside area be available to work?

No, the space available is limited to the building interior.

Do the artist pay for utilities?

No, utilities are paid for by the Council as part of our support for artists.

Can artists bring additional storage, furniture, and equipment on site?

Yes, you can bring in additional storage, furniture, and equipment for use in your assigned studio. There are no additional storage spaces on site. All individual studios are equipped with a large sink, lockable storage, lights, power sockets and wifi. A worktable and chair are also provided.

Is there security on site? If so, what times will they be there?

There are no security staff on site, however Happy Out café operates on the top floor of the building. The cafe hours change with the seasons, they are currently open 7am – 5pm, Sunday – Wednesday, and 7am – 10pm, Thursday – Saturday.

Is there a cleaner for the group areas (artists’ tea station and common area) or are all the artists responsible for keeping that clean?

Artists are responsible for keeping their shared space clean. No cleaning will be provided for artist workspaces, tea station or common area, only public areas and toilets.  

Will my work, materials and equipment be insured by the Council?

No, your work, materials and equipment will not be insured by the Council. You will be required to have Public Liability Insurance with cover of €6.5 million with a specific indemnity to Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. If necessary, the artist will also be required to have Employer’s Liability Insurance. 

Can I drive up to the building to delivery work?

Yes, deliveries of materials and work is permissible. Access is via the public car park on Windsor Terrace.

Vehicles must be moved after the delivery has been made.

Is free parking available at the studios?

No, there is a pay and display public carpark available nearby at Windsor Terrace.

Can the studio be darkened?

Yes, there are blinds on all windows and doors.

Can the artist hang items/artworks on the walls?

Yes, within the workshop space provided only.

Do artists need to be on site 5 days a week?

No, artists should plan to make good use of the space, but it is understood that practicing professional artists will have other responsibilities and projects to manage at the same time.

Is this opportunity open to other artists such as writers and performers?

No, this opportunity is only available to visual artists.

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