Tenancy Management & Anti Social Behaviour

Complaints can be made to us by calling:  24hr voicemail 01-2047258 or DDI 01 2054807 or by email: tenancymanagement@dlrcoco.ie or by writing to: Tenancy Management,  Housing Department, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Marine Road, Dún Laogha
Tenancy Management (previously Anti-Social) Contact Details:

24hr Voicemail: (01) 205 4807

Email:  tenancymanagement@dlrcoco.ie

The Housing Department has a Tenancy Management Section that deals with complaints of anti-social behaviour and breaches of the tenancy agreement in our estates. This is in line with our policy.

We investigate complaints of:
• drug dealing,
• violence,
• threats,
• intimidation,
• harassment,
• trespass,
• criminal damage,
• lesser offences which breach our tenancy agreement. 

Most anti-social behaviour is a criminal offence and we will work with An Garda Síochána as required.

A common problem is unreasonable noise from a home. If this cannot be solved the person who made the complaint can apply to the District Court for a Noise Abatement Order. This is in line with Environment Protection legislation. If the noise is significant, ongoing and happens regularly, we will investigate this, as it could be a breach of our tenancy agreement.

Issues involving dogs will be recorded and sent to our Municipal Services Department and the Dog Warden.

We have new legislation to help us deal with anti-social behaviour through Tenancy Warnings, Repossession Proceedings and Excluding Orders.


Our strategy can be found below.  

Anti-social Behaviour Strategy 2022 - 2028

24hr Voicemail: (01) 205 4807

Email:  tenancymanagement@dlrcoco.ie

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