Ballyogan & Environs Local Area Plan

A Local Area Plan (LAP) for Ballyogan and Environs, an area that covers Ballyogan, Kilgobbin, The Gallops/Glencairn (Leopardstown) and parts of Carrickmines and Stepaside was adopted at the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Meeting held on 1st July 2019.


On the 13th May 2024 it was extended in accordance with the legislation for a further period of 3 years from the 13th May 2024.

The Resolution can be found here.

The Chief Executive's Report can be found here.

The notice of the extension can be found here.


The LAP and its associated Environmental Reports can all be found in the ‘Related Documents’ section.


Draft Ballogan and Environs Local Area Plan

A Draft LAP was prepared and made available for public inspection. The Draft LAP and its associated Environmental Reports can all be found in the ‘Related Documents’ section across. Submissions and observations on the Draft LAP were invited for a 6 week period up to Tuesday 14th May. 

Two Public Information Sessions were held to answer queries and provide any clarification in respect of the Draft LAP. These sessions were both held at the Samuel Beckett Civic Campus from 4.00p.m. – 9.00p.m on Tuesday 16th April and Thursday 2nd May 2019. To help inform the public consultation, the Planning Department also prepared a Story Map, which provides a context for the area by way of online interactive maps and images.

Submissions received during the consultation period are published online in compliance with Section S20(3)(ja) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and available for viewing at the link below. The Chief Executive's Report on Submissions Received on the Draft LAP has been prepared and is availble for viewing in the 'Related Documents' section across.

Click for Draft Local Area Plan

Click for Storymap

Click to view Published Submissions on Draft Local Area Plan

Ballyogan and Environ LAP - Documentation
Ballyogan and Environs Local Area Plan
13.80 MB
Other file
Appendices - Draft Ballyogan and Environs LAP
8.48 MB
Other file
Draft Ballyogan & Environs LAP - Chief Executive's Report on Submissions Received
3.72 MB
Other file
Report on Pre-Draft Consultations 2018
4.26 MB
Other file
Appendices Ballyogan and Environs LAP 2019 - 2025
7.83 MB
Other file

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