dlr Release Annual Progress Report on its Climate Change Action Plan
dlr publishes second Annual Progress Report of its Climate Change Action Plan, focusing on a ‘Climate First’ approach.
Following the January meeting of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council held on Monday, 10th January 2022, the second Annual Progress Report of the Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 (CCAP) has been published and is available to read online here. The Council is committed to the annual monitoring and reporting of the Plan. The CCAP now includes a total of 144 actions across the five themes of Energy & Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature Based Solutions, and Resource Management. Ongoing citizen and stakeholder engagement are at the heart of the CCAP, and as a community our County continues its efforts to contribute to the shared national climate objective, as set out in the Government’s National Climate Action Plan – Securing our Future.
The Council continues to mainstream its efforts and collaborate across departments, staff, and Elected Members to achieve energy efficiency and emission reductions across its own buildings, facilities, functions and services, and influence climate action in the wider community. This is derived from the Council’s Corporate Plan, a core value of which is ‘Climate First - Adopt a climate first approach to decision making’. These efforts were recognised by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, awarding dlr with the top prize of ‘Energy Team of the Year’ at the 2021 SEAI Energy Awards.
Click here to read the latest Annual Progress Report
In 2021, dlr led the inception and delivery of Dublin’s first Climate Action Week, which took place from the 13th to 19th September. Over seventy five online and in person events took place throughout the week, which included webinars, workshops, site visits, cycles, and walking tours. DCAW21 events were planned to showcase the co-ordinated delivery of the four Dublin local authority Climate Change Action Plans, in collaboration with a range of partners.
An Cathaoirleach, Cllr Lettie McCarthy said:
I welcome the publication of the second Annual Progress Report for our Climate Change Action Plan. My dlr colleagues and I had the honour of welcoming Minister Eamon Ryan TD to our prestigious LexIcon, in September 2021, to officially launch Dublin Climate Action Week. Initiatives such as this remind us that we all have our part to play in tackling climate change – as an individual, as a family, and as a community. I believe that we can all make small choices and changes, leading to bigger, and indeed more challenging choices, that really can have a lasting impact. I wish to acknowledge the ongoing commitment and effort of Council staff, the Environment and Climate Action Strategic Policy Committee and the Elected Members of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council."
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Director of Infrastructure & Climate Change, Robert Burns, said:
Climate change has no boundaries and we continue to see how its 2 impacts affect our local communities, homes and businesses. In implementing and monitoring their Climate Change Action Plans, the four Dublin local authorities continue to foster a shared approach to enhance the climate resilience of Dublin as a city region. This is undertaken with the continued support and engagement of a range of partners including Government departments, sectoral agencies, the private sector, third level institutions, and groups representing local communities. I wish to thank the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) and Codema – Dublin’s Energy Agency, for their continued support in delivering and enhancing our local climate actions."
The implementation and monitoring of this Plan, together with that of the other Dublin local authorities, in partnership with Codema – Dublin’s Energy Agency and the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office (CARO), provides for a clear roadmap and co-ordinated approach to enhancing the climate resilience of the Dublin Region, to 2030, 2050 and beyond.
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