Safe to swim at Killiney and Whiterock Beach - Update
Update: 10th June 2021
Safe to swim at Killiney and White Rock Beach
dlr beaches section have received the latest Bathing Water test results from an investigative sample take on Tuesday 8th June 2021.
The results indicate that White Rock and Killiney Beach Bathing Water has returned to normal at both locations. On advice and with consultation with the H.S.E all temporary prohibition signs will be removed form White Rock and Killiney Beach.
The blue flag at Killiney will be reinstated and the appropriate lifeguard flags will be flown. The EPA have been notified of our plans to reopen.
No Swimming at Killiney Beach & White Rock Beach
Temporary bathing prohibition warning notices have been put in place at Killiney Beach and White Rock Beach today, Saturday 5th June 2021, due to the elevated levels of bacteria found in the bathing water.
We are advising the public not to swim at these locations until further notice.
dlr are monitoring the situation and are communicating with all stakeholders.
Updates will be issued on our website and on dlr social media outlets and information will be posted at each of the designated bathing areas.
An additional sample and testing of the bathing water is being carried out and results will be made available on and on our website here
Poor bathing water quality is primarily correlated to rainfall events. There are other factors but rainfall events dwarf other influences.
Heavy rainfall causes the operation of sewer overflows to the sea or to the streams entering the beach areas thereby affecting bathing water quality.
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