‘Promoting Cultural Integration & Inclusion in the Workplace’ Seminar
dlr Integration Forum in conjunction with the dlr County Council Social Inclusion Unit hosted a very successful seminar on the 25th of January 2024 to discuss research, legislation, case studies and models of good practice in ‘Promoting Cultural Integration & Inclusion in the Workplace’.
The seminar took place at The Clayton Leopardstown with over seventy people in attendance from a variety of businesses, community groups and services within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown as well as dlr Elected Members and members of other Local Authorities.
The event was opened by An Cathaoirleach, Councillor Denis O’Callaghan who welcomed attendees and stressed the importance of the work being carried out by dlr Integration Forum in conjunction with the Social Inclusion Unit in dlr County Council with support provided by the Department of Justice and Equality for this event.
An Cathaoirleach, Councillor Denis O’Callaghan also highlighted that the seminar was a first in a series of events supported by dlr County Council throughout 2024 which will feed into the development of a new Integration Strategy being developed for the county over the next number of years.
Reji C. Jacob, Chairperson of the dlr Integration Forum introduced the speakers, panellists and the moderator for the event:
- Moderator - Dr Claire McGing, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Sexual Violence Prevention, Institute of Art, Design + Technology, Dún Laoghaire (IADT)
- Presenter - Kensika Monshengwo, Intercultural Training Coordinator, Immigrant Council of Ireland
- Presenter - Dr Audrey Stenson, Principal Investigator EDIFY-EDU Project, IADT with support from Dr Josephine Browne, IADT and Tamara Markey dlr Chamber
- Panelist – Dr Josephine Browne, Head of Faculty of Enterprise & Humanities, IADT
- Panelist - Tamara Markey,dlr Chamber
- Panelist - Orli Degani, Director, Co-Founder & Co-owner of O.H Degani Consultants & winner of dlr Chamber Diversity, Inclusion & Volunteering Award 2023
- Panelist - Lavish Thomas, Software Engineering Leader, Microsoft Ireland
Kensika Monshengwo was the first presenter who provided an ‘Introduction to Intercultural Competency’ laying the foundations of what this means, providing context and insight into how we can recognise discrimination and acquire the knowledge to combat this in our lives and workplaces. Kensika provided practical tips and engaged in a lively Q&A with attendees to conclude his segment.
Dr Audrey Stenson, IADT presented on ‘Equality, Diversity & Inclusion for Improving the Quality of Management Education’ on the EDIFY-EDU Project research and findings, an EU wide project which looked at disparities within the sectors of
- Gender Discrimination
- Immigrant workforce
- Incomplete implementation of current laws and policies in workplaces.
The findings also illustrated the gaps and challenges in the collection of data in this area and Audrey was joined by Dr Josephine Browne, Head of Faculty of Enterprise & Humanities, IADT and Tamara Markey from dlr Chamber for a Q& A session.
A workshop then took place where attendees provided feedback on their own insights on the challenges to promoting Cultural Integration and Inclusion in the Workplace, and what actions can be put in place to help overcome these challenges and promote good practice.
This workshop feedback formed the basis of the panel discussion, moderated by Dr Claire McGing where in addition to Kensika Monshengwo and Dr. Audrey Stenson, Lavish Thomas, Software Engineering Leader, Microsoft Ireland and Orli Degani- Director, Co-Founder & Co-owner of O.H Degani Consultants & winner of dlr Chamber Diversity, Inclusion & Volunteering Award 2023 joined the panel discussion. Moderator Dr Claire McGing. IADT engaged in a thought-provoking discussion fielding questions from attendees which brought the presenter and panellists contribution to a close.
Closing remarks by Mamy Nzema Nkoy, dlr Integration Forum and Siobhán Nic Gaoithín, Age-Friendly Programme Manager & Social Inclusion Officer for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council brought proceedings to a close and the next seminar on ‘Promoting Cultural Inclusion & Integration in the Community’ will take place on the 16th of May during the annual dlr Festival of Inclusion.
Sincerest thanks to funders, the Department of Justice and Equality, and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
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