Rochestown Avenue Part 8 Active Travel Scheme
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is proposing to install high-quality pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to improve safety and promote active travel on Rochestown Avenue (R828), Dún Laoghaire.
The proposed scheme will provide safe, continuous and consistent walking and cycling infrastructure along 2.2 km of road from Bakers Corner to the Graduate Roundabout; the urban realm will also be improved with new hard and soft landscaping, wildflower planting, SuDS measures and some street furniture and incidental play area close to the National Rehabilitation Hospital.
The project consists of:
Implement a 3.0m wide two-way cycle track running on the northern side of Rochestown Avenue, with footpaths on both the northern and southern sides of the road.
Removal of the existing left turn slip lane westbound from Rochestown Avenue onto Pottery Road and implementation of a signalised 3-arm junction at this location with rationalised and shorter crossings points for pedestrians
Upgrading of existing signalised junctions to provide safer pedestrian and cycle crossings including junctions with Pottery Road, Sallynoggin Road, Johnstown Road, Rochestown Park and Granitefield.
New pedestrian crossings are provided at the entrance to Grangewood, Sefton, Pearse Park, the eastern end of Pearse Park and Glenview.
Safer pedestrian crossing across all the access roads along the scheme with high-quality surfaces free of trip hazards and removed level differences between pedestrian areas.
Introduction of a shared pedestrian and cycling path with new public lighting across Pearse Park.
The scheme ties in at the western end with the proposed DLRCC DL Central Active Travel Scheme at the junction between Rochestown Avenue and Kill Avenue and at the eastern end with the existing layout at the Graduate Roundabout.
The total length of the proposed development is 2.2km of the road surface.
A public consultation is being held on the scheme from 14th June to 26th July 2023.
Submissions and observations can be made:
- Via Citizenspace here
- Via e-mail to
- By post to DLRCC – Civic Hub: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co.Dublin, A96 K6C9
Observations should be clearly marked, 'Rochestown Avenue Active Travel Scheme’
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 26th July 2023.
Drawings, full plans and particulars are also available for inspection at the following location:
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin, A96 K6C9 (Planning Counter Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10 am- 4:00 pm, Sat and Sun Closed)
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Dundrum Office Park, Main Street, Dundrum,
Dublin 14 (Opening Hours: Mon to Fri 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm excluding Bank holidays)
Drop-In Information Session – Thursday 22nd June 2023, 4 to 8 pm.
A drop-in information session is also available on 22nd JUNE 2023, 4 to 8 pm at Rochestown Suite of Rochestown Lodge Hotel, Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, A96 ETY8.
You can come along to view the drawings and ask questions to the Design team. All are welcome.
Please register your interest by clicking here: Registration link
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