dlr Social Inclusion Unit

Contact details

Elaine Ryan

Community Worker

Age Friendly Programmes & Social Inclusion

Tel: 01 205 4893

email: eryan@dlrcoco.ie


dlr Social Inclusion Unit

The Social Inclusion Unit (SIU) seeks to raise awareness and promote Social Inclusion objectives within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. It collaborates with all council departments to embed the social inclusion ethos into all decision and policy making processes.

The SIU provides support to local community organisations who work with marginalised or vulnerable communities, especially groups working with communities that come under the 9 grounds of Equal Status Acts: gender, marital status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion and membership of the Traveller community.

Actions include:

  • General support and advice to external organisations and structures
  • Coordinate implementation of the dlr Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-2026
  • Organise annual dlr Festival of Inclusion
  • Development of dlr Migrant Integration Strategy
  • Collaborative Events & Projects: Africa Day, India Day etc.
  • DLRCC Staff awareness & training – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Awareness, Age-Friendly, Disability, Understand Together-Dementia in the Community campaign; Neurodiversity awareness etc.
  • Provide support to the dlr Integration Forum (formerly dlr Ethnic Minority Integration Forum) - Forum for migrant groups in dlr who are “helping develop an inclusive, supportive, secure and intercultural community that is based on the principles of equality, diversity, healthy communication, social justice and mutual respect”

dlr Festival of Inclusion

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) County Council is delighted to host the annual dlr Festival of Inclusion. The aim of dlr Festival of Inclusion is to highlight and celebrate social inclusion initiatives and to support and encourage all to actively participate and engage in the community.

dlr Festival of Inclusion is a community based social inclusion events programme that promotes the many groups, organisations and volunteers organising activities and events and offering supports in the community.  All events involve groups and organisations bringing people together to connect and celebrate community well-being and raise awareness, provide supports and promote equality, diversity and social inclusion in dlr.

View the dlr Festival of Inclusion 2024 events and brochure HERE 


Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, Integration & Anti-Racism Training & Supports: 

Training and awareness raising takes place on a regular basis for dlr County Council Staff and the Community in conjunction with the dlr Staff Training & HR department as well as other local and national organisations. For information on upcoming training events, contact the Community Section on 01 205 4893 / community@dlrcoco.ie 

dlr County Council are participating in the national SALAAM project (Strategic Alliances Against Anti-Muslim Hatred) and the recently published 'Directory of National and Local Anti-Racism Support Services' is available to view HERE 


Annual Africa Day events: 

Africa Day is an annual worldwide celebration of the people, cultures and potential of this wonderful continent. Commemorated on 25 May each year, Africa Day is a chance for people to come together and celebrate the diversity of Africa.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), works with local authorities around Ireland each year to organise a programme of events locally to mark Africa Day with funding and publicity of events supported by the DFA. 

See the events that took place as part of Africa Day 2024 HERE 


dlr Integration Forum: 

What We Do:

The dlr Integration Forum is a local initiative aimed to bring together members of the immigrant communities to debate the key issues facing County ethnic minority and immigrant communities now and in the future. 

dlr Integration Forum is supported by the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and the Southside Partnership DLR.

How We Work

dlr Integration Forum serves for information exchange, community involvement and cooperation in immigrant related matters. Its projects and initiatives include discussion forums, workshops, events, networking with individuals, groups and other forums on local and national level. 

Our aim is:

  1. to bring different communities together to act as one voice representing the ethnic minority community in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
  2. to inform policy and planning at local, county and national level.
  3. to be a channel for information and communication for ethnic minority based groups in the county
  4. to promote active engagement and integration between immigrants and the receiving community in local projects.

Who We Work With

The Members of the dlr Integration Forum represent the Forum and work closely with the following bodies:

  • dlrcc Community, Culture & Wellbeing; Housing and Climate Action Strategic Policy Committee's 2020-2024
  • Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Garda Diversity Committee (DLRGDC)
  • DLR Sports Partnership Board 
  • dlr Public Participation Network Secretariat member 

Why It Matters

““We believe that by working together we can have a powerful voice in decisions that affect our community and we built a better future for all of us””

dlr Integration Forum has been created with the aim to support and promote personal and professional integration of immigrants living in the Dún Laoghaire county area.

Visit dlr Integration Forum Website HERE


Register to Vote before 20th May 2024 & Vote on Election Day, June 7th 2024:

New brochure to promote active participation in the local and European elections

DLR Integration Forum has launched a new brochure today to encourage civic participation of new communities in the County ahead of the upcoming local and European elections. The launch marks National Voter Registration Day, which is taking place on Tuesday, 30 April 2024. 

The Vote 2024 leaflet includes information on how and where to register to vote and graphically presents how the Irish voting system works. The brochure will be available at local libraries and will be distributed at the voter information sessions.

There is a voter registration session taking place on Tuesday 30 April in the foyer of County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire between 10.00 and 14.00.

The Local and European Elections will take place on Friday, 7 June 2024. The local residents who are eligible to vote will elect 40 councillors who will represent them in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. EU citizens and naturalised Irish citizens can vote in the local and European elections. Non-EU citizens are eligible to vote at local elections only.

The new leaflet is a part of the Vote 2024 project which includes voter registration sessions across the County to support the process of integration of new communities and to promote active citizenship in the area.

Speaking at the event Hilda Arenas, Vice Chairperson of DLR Integration Forum said: "Join us in making a difference in our community by casting your vote in the local election. Your vote is powerful and has the potential to create a significant impact. Let’s come together and build a brighter future. Don’t hesitate, register to vote and follow the foolproof instructions provided in the leaflet. Your voice matters!”

The Vote 2024 project is supported by dlr County Council, dlr PPN and dlr Southside Partnership.  

DLR Integration Forum is a network of individuals and migrant led organisations and groups based in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County. All its members are volunteers. The Forum is supported by DLR County Council.

For more information please contact: info@dlrintegration.ie

View dlr Integration Forum’s ‘Vote 2024’ brochure HERE

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