county development plan 2016-22
Documents & Publications

dlr Repository

Tourism Development
Tourism Festival Events grant application form 2024
1.81 MB Word Document Jan 05, 2024 Tourism Development Download
DLR LCDC LEP 2024 Guidelines.odt
213.95 KB Word Document Jan 05, 2024 Download
Data Subject Access Request Policy and Procedures.pdf
203.79 KB PDF Document Jan 05, 2024 Download
Municipal Gallery dlr Lexicon
press release DLR Visual Art Commission artists announced.pdf
174.3 KB PDF Document Jan 05, 2024 Municipal Gallery dlr Lexicon Download
Housing List and Offers of Accommodation December 2023.pdf
59.93 KB PDF Document Jan 04, 2024 Download
Tenancy Management December 2023.pdf
49.81 KB PDF Document Jan 03, 2024 Download
Music Development
Musicians Guide to the dlr LexIcon Studio 2024.pdf
1.3 MB PDF Document Jan 03, 2024 Music Development Download
Maintenance Statistics December 2023.pdf
42.75 KB PDF Document Jan 02, 2024 Download
Private Rented Standards Inspections December 2023.pdf
40.46 KB PDF Document Jan 02, 2024 Download
Active Travel
Living Streets:Dún Laoghaire Survey (Irish version)
204.26 KB Other file Dec 22, 2023 Active Travel Download

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