Proposed Amendment No. 9 Car Parking

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in its role as Planning Authority, lodged Proposed Amendment No. 9 to An Bord Pleanála to amend the Cherrywood SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 (as approved) on Wednesday 31st May 2023 in accordance with Section 170(A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). 


The purpose of this review was to update the approved Cherrywood SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 (as amended) to align with National, Regional and Local policy, promote sustainable public and active travel modes and address Climate change mitigation measures.


Please see link to ABP website:


An Bord Pleanála, as the competent authority, notified the Planning Authority on 17 May 2024 regarding their determination, under Section 170A(4)(b), that the proposed Amendment to the Cherrywood Planning Scheme constitutes a material change but which falls within the criteria set out in subsection 3(b). Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 170A(7) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, that a copy of the proposed Amendment, along with the Reports to Inform Screening for SEA and AA in accordance with subsection (6)(b) may be inspected at the following locations, during normal opening hours, for a specific period of not less than four weeks from Friday 31 May 2024 to 5pm on Monday 1 July 2024. The public consultation can be accessed via the following link:


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