Local Area Plans

Have Your Say on the Future of Old Connaught

General News
Old Connaught Avenue Sign and Letter Box

The Draft Old Connaught Local Area Plan is now open for submissions and sets out detailed planning policies, objectives and frameworks to provide guidance for the development of lands in the area. It is envisaged to provide a new community in the area by facilitating and guiding the development of over 2,000 new homes. 

The Vision for Old Connaught is to support the growth of the area as a sustainable urban village with a strong sense of place and integrating both the existing and planned new communities. It is to incrementally grow the area to attract a variety of residents and families, providing opportunities to avail of good access to neighbourhood facilities, transport options, social infrastructure and recreational and amenity assets. 

Councillor Jim O’Leary, Cathaoirleach, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council said: 

“The Local Area Plan is the level of statutory plan-making that is closest to the local community. I urge members of the public, particularly those living within the Local Area Plan boundary, to come along to one of the open days and also to make a submission and make sure their views feed into the important democratic Local Area Plan making process.”

This Draft Plan is needed to identify and ensure that development and infrastructure will be provided and phased, including the provision of different uses and services that will serve the existing and emerging community.   Support and provision for sustainable transport such as walking, cycling and use of public transport is key to managing future population increase in the Draft Plan lands. An Area Based Transport Assessment or ABTA has informed the Draft Plan.

Frank Curran, Chief Executive, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council highlights that: 

“The lands at Old Connaught have been earmarked for the development of a new residential community. To realise this growth in a planned and co-ordinated manner, we have prepared a Draft Local Area Plan for Old Connaught. The Draft Plan provides a spatial and infrastructure framework to provide for the existing community and for the development of over 2,000 new homes. It aims to create a sustainable urban village with a strong sense of place and community which is responsive to, and respectful of, the wider context and character of the area. It identifies the key infrastructure for transport options, active travel, attenuation, water and wastewater, community and education facilities, and includes a phasing strategy to ensure the provision of the necessary physical and social infrastructure in tandem with the delivery of new homes.”

The Draft Plan will be on public display both online and in our public offices at Dundrum and Dún Laoghaire and will be available to view in all dlr libraries for a 6-week period until Thursday 17 April 2025.  

Further details of public consultation events in relation to the Draft Plan can be found on our website at www.dlrcoco.ie/oldconnaughtlap  

Click here to access the public consultation

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