Environment & Climate Change

dlr Energy Tune Up Clinic

General News
Home Energy Kit and Smart Meter

Home Energy Kit and Smart Meter

Home Energy Kit and Smart Meter

If you would like to reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable this winter then come to dlr’s ‘Energy Tune Up Clinic’ on Wednesday morning, 11 September in the Studio at dlr LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire. 

This free event is for individuals and community groups to learn easy and accessible ways to understand and manage and reduce their energy use. It is an opportunity to learn more about energy grants from Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and about energy bills, smart metering and how to switch energy suppliers from the Commission for Regulation of Utilities. Dublin's Energy Management Agency will give advice about how to handle draughts, ventilation and mould. Participants can 'Ask the Expert' questions and try out some energy saving tools.  

An Cathaoirleach of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Councillor Jim O’Leary commented: 

This is a great DLR Council initiative, drop in and get free advice on how you to make your home more comfortable and save money on your energy bills, while reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels. Whether you own, rent or share your home every change counts.”

Frank Curran, Chief Executive of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council said: 

Energy and Buildings are an important aspect of dlr’s Climate Action Plan 2024-2029. We all have a significant role to play in changing the way we live and work to reduce energy and carbon.” 

‘dlr Energy Tune Up Clinic’ is hosted by the dlr Climate Action Team and dlr Energy Team as part of Dublin Climate Action Week. There will be free energy saving goodies and light refreshments for all attendees and an opportunity to win one of three ‘energy upgrade hampers’ worth over €50.  
Pre-booking is required through dlr Libraries Eventbrite or Dublin Climate Action Week websites.


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