dlr Energy Tune Up Clinic
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council’s ‘Energy Tune Up Clinic’ in the dlr LexIcon on 11 September, engaged the packed audience with easy ways to understand and reduce energy use. Attendees included community groups and home owners.The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) explained about how to better understand energy bills and encouraged attendees to shop around and switch energy suppliers through some of the CRU accredited price comparison websites; bonkers, Power to Switch or Switcher. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland presenter outlined the top 5 energy uses in a home; home heating, water heating, electric showers, tumble dryers and ovens and encouraged energy use outside the 5pm-7pm peak times.
The areas of highest heat loss in homes are the roof (30%) and walls (30%), so energy grants for insulation are targeted to those areas. CODEMA, Dublin's Energy Agency demonstrated the tools in the Home Energy Saving Kit, which is free to borrow from libraries, to measure how your home uses energy and where energy might be escaping. The importance of ventilation was explained to avoid mould, so that airtightness and ventilation are working effectively. ‘dlr Energy Tune Up Clinic’ was hosted by the dlr Climate Action Team and dlr Energy Team as part of Dublin Climate Action Week.