Public Consultation: Proposed residential development at Mount St. Mary’s, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14
The Public are invited to make submissions in relation to a new housing development proposal in the Mount St. Mary’s, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14. Submissions can be made via the online portal below, by email or in writing.
The proposal is for 129 no. units apartments in 3 no. blocks ranging in height from two to six stories and includes:
- Block A (5-6 stores) comprising 65 no. apartments (33 no. 1 bed and 32 no. 2 bed units)
- Block B (5-6 storeys) comprising 56 no. apartments (35 no. 1 bed and 21 no. 2 bed units)
- Block C (2 storeys) comprising 8 no. apartments (4 no. 1 bed and 4 no. 2 bed units)
The proposed development includes:
- Residential communal open space areas
- Public Open space
- Ancillary Structures
- car/cycle parking including 12 EV charging spaces and 3 accessible spaces.
Associated site and infrastructural works includes:
- provision for water services;
- foul and surface water drainage and connections;
- attenuation proposals;
- permeable paving;
- all landscaping works including tree protection, tree removal and new tree planting;
- green roofs;
- boundary treatment;
- internal roads and footpaths; and
- electrical services.
In accordance with S.I. No.476/2011, Section 250, Planning and Development (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations, 2011 and S.l. No. 296/2018 European Union (Planning and Development) (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)) Regulations 2018, Appropriate Assessment Screening (AA) under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the European Communities (Bird and Natural Habitats), dlr has carried out screenings and has determined the following:
- An appropriate assessment has deemed that there are no likely significant adverse effects on the qualifying interests, special conservation interest or the conservation objectives of any designated European site. A determination has been made that an appropriate assessment is not required.
- There is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment so therefore the preliminary assessment has concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment Report is not required.
From 4 weeks from the date of this notice you can apply to An Bord Pleanála for an AA & EIA screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.
Plans and particulars of the proposal can be viewed from 14th March 2025 to 01st May 2025 at:
- Planning Department, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, between the hours of 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays
- Council Offices, Dundrum Office Park, Dundrum, between the hours of 9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays
- Online below.
Further details and a link to the public consultation are available here
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Public Consultation: Proposed Development at St Michael's Sq...