Yes. From 28/02/2007 these are exempted under new Class 2 to exempted regulations, subject to limitations. 

The Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2007 give effect to exempted development provisions in respect of renewable energies for dwellings and refer to the installation or erection of a solar panel on or within the curtilage of a house, or on any buildings within the curtilage of a house is exempt subject to compliance with the following conditions and limitations:


Solar Panels:

The installation of solar panels on domestic properties is now exempt from planning permission . Since the 7th of October 2022, there is no longer a limit to the area of solar panels which can be installed on rooftops of homes .The 12sqm or 50% roof limit which previously applied to houses has been removed nationwide .


There are still some rules that apply .It is advisable to check with the local authority if ; .

  1. Your home or building is a protected structure. 
  2. Your home or building is located in a protected  area , for example in an architectural conservation area .
  3. Your home or building lies near an aviation site.

For more information please click Here    


Wind Turbines:

The construction, erection or placing within the curtilage of a house of a wind turbine is exempt subject to the following Regulations (Class 2)

1.   The turbine shall not be erected on or within the curtilage of a house of a wind attached to the house or any building or other structure within its curtilage.

2.   The total height of the turbine shall not exceed 13 metres.

3.   The rotor diameter shall not exceed 6 metres.

4.   The minimum clearance between the lower tip of the rotor and ground level shall not be less than 3 metres.

5.   The supporting tower shall be a distance of not less than the total structure height (including the blade of the turbine at the highest point of its arc) plus one metre from any party boundary.

6.    Noise levels must not exceed 43db(A) during normal operation, or in excess of 5db(A) above the background noise, whichever is greater, as measured from the nearest neighbouring inhabited dwelling.

7.   No more than one turbine shall be erected within the curtilage of a house.

8.   No such structure shall be constructed, erected or placed forward of the front wall of a house.

9.   All turbine components shall have a matt, non-reflective finish and the blade shall be made of material that does not deflect telecommunication signals.

10. No sign, advertisement or object, not required for the functioning or safety of the turbine shall be attached to or exhibited on the wind turbine.

FYI - The Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (SI 256 of 2008) give effect to exempted development provisions in respect of renewable energies for industrial buildings, business premises and agricultural holdings.     

Please refer to Regulations for further information. 


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