- The highest point to which the wall of an exempt extension can be built is eaves level;
- If the proposed extension has a flat roof, it must not exceed the eves or parapet level;
- If the proposed extension has a pitched roof, it must not exceed the ridge of the existing pitched roof.
Funding & Opportunities
Artists are responsible for keeping their shared space clean. No cleaning will be provided for artist workspaces, tea station or common area, only public areas.
No, artist workspaces are awarded through an open call and cannot be rented.
Yes, deliveries of materials and work is permissible.
The Studios are your private workspaces and are partitioned off from the public area. The public may be invited into your space through organized public events with the agreement and support of the artists working onsite. All windows have blinds.
The Arts Office will allocate each studio to successful applicants.
Artists will have 24-hour access to their workspace.
There is onsite waste disposal and an onsite Facilities Management Company to co-ordinate this.
No. Artists may use the large workspace 4 to exhibit work as part of the residency award but under these opportunities (BAS & PAC) there is no public exhibition space for studio artists on the lower ground floor. Opportunities to exhibit work in the coffee shop may become available but this will not be known until the coffee shop opens.
The studios are domestic in scale. It has single phase electricity and no mechanical ventilation. The building is shared with the public and coffee shop operator. Attention needs to be given to significant noise transfer and the safe use of materials and equipment; for the impact on staff, visitors and fellow artists working on site. The appropriateness of materials and working methods may need to be assessed by the Council but all accommodations will be made where possible. Material use should be detailed in your application.
You have solo use of the studio for the full duration of your agreed term. Artists can take a break from the studio, but you should be available and plan to make good use of this valuable studio resource during the agreed term. The agreed term cannot be extended to facilitate breaks.
No, only single- phase.
Limited, temporary use of the outside space may be possible, subject to the agreement of the Council and proper attention given to health and safety considerations in a busy public amenity at an exposed coastal site.
No, utilities are paid for by the Council as part of our support for artists.
Yes, we can also supply one storage unit for each studio if required. There is no additional storage on site.
There is no security staff on site however, there will be facility management and coffee shop staff onsite during regular daytime opening hours.